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Laurie Penny - Is Patriarchy Too Big to Fail?
It is true you know. They are gaslighting the whole of our nations. But they are really paying particular attention to women and POC. They want to go back to a time when we were forced to comply, through violence and law, as they stole our agency. The lens that we force them to look through must be very uncomfortable in those rare moments of truth when they acknowledge what and who they are.
They are not decent and they are not innocent and we cannot allow them to steal our agency in 2020 the way they tried (and succeeded too often) for first and second wave.
They can fuck right off. Biff. Baff. Uppercut.

(153,137 posts)Soph0571
(9,685 posts)Wankers they are!!!!
(95,921 posts)as if we haven't been all along.
(9,685 posts)brer cat
(26,838 posts)They want control, and we see that clearly in the taking of our reproductive rights.
And yes. Reproductive first, contraception next, after that it will be a free for all if they get their way...
This is not hyperbole...
(39,213 posts)But when demographics changed and the uppity women, people of color, and gays had the numbers to demand equality and equity in the system then all bets were off. Being the ones in power to start with, it's been easy for them to sabotage the system with things like gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, and crazy rulings like money equals speech.
It's shameful that these mostly rich white men who have brought us to the brink of ecological collapse still think they deserve to be in charge and have convinced untold numbers of the same.