Is it feminism at all?
Sanders deadpan drawl of a tirade resembles the predictable endpoint of the shallow, Lean In-adjacent type of feminisman unrefined/flat argument that champions women just for being in the room, no matter how harmful that room might be.
Its a feminism that blindly celebrates any woman CEO, any woman politician, any woman billionaire. Its a feminism that values any woman with a modicum of power, and its a feminism that feels wildly out of touch now more than ever, especially when inequality is rampant and women are fully capable of being compliciteven organizingregimes of power that are damaging to swaths of humans, women included.
Naturally, Sanders is ignorant enough to think that shes made a salient point while missing the point entirely. You dont get feminist points for being the only woman in the room when the room is fascism.]
As an example we know Margaret Thatcher was not a feminist She did nothing in policy or practice to even move the needle slightly in female equality. Of course, just by being there she changed the perceptions of society somewhat, even so... I cannot applaud her profoundly anti-society policies just cause female...same thing with Saunders
Surely if you get the chance to change the world - even a little bit -and you choose to use your force for evil rather than good - why should feminists give you a pass just because you cracked a tiny part of the glass ceiling for yourself? That is not how feminism works. In fact as women in power they are anti-feminists, when you work for a regime that hates women and actively works against their freedoms and choices you can expect nothing but criticism from the sisterhood.
