Related: About this forumWoman discovers boyfriend of five years thinks women shouldn't have the vote
In a now-viral Reddit post, a woman said:
...he just admitted to me that over the past year he's grown more and more extreme in his views, to the point that he believes women have ruined the country (we are American) and that they should not be allowed to vote...
He says he did not feel comfortable telling me about this sooner because he thought he would lose me.
I'm upset and I can't tell if I'm wrong to be upset about this because I know that everyone is entitled to have their own views, but now I just feel as though he doesn't even value my own input/views.
He has assured me that he still thinks that I should be allowed to vote but that women in general should not..
Good grief. Young men thinking like this in the 21st Century demonstrates how toxic the patriarchy still is.

Oh and she needs to dump him post haste...

beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)MyOwnPeace
(17,289 posts)Really?
How has he been "reacting" to headlines, news stories, and general public actions that have taken place in the past few years, especially in the time of "headlines" from IQ45 and his ilk?
Were you paying any attention at all?
beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)MyOwnPeace
(17,289 posts)Exactly!!!!
(58,785 posts)and when they do just how strongly. Adolescence alone lasts until the mid 20s, lack of self awareness can be forever, and even in conservative cultures young people tend to see themselves as freer in their thinking than their families, and overall typically are.
Since ideological compatibility is the most important factor in forming relationships, especially ones that can last 5 years, and since she fails the liberal-shock reaction to his massive bigotry, I suspect they're both socially/culturally conservative but he's only now revealing that whatever hard-core aspects he might have previously displayed also apply to her.
(3,131 posts)Dump him quickly. She shouldnt tolerate any stalking behavior either. This guy sounds like trouble.
(59,174 posts)as there is no positive future there for her.
This is another negative way misogynistic trumpism is doing damage to the nation.
(984 posts)Dumping him will just confirm his new found beliefs. You need to help him find help but first you need to neutralizes his radicalization. Take him on a camping trip or vacation with little to no email and YouTube! While there talk about your mothers, sisters and friends. Any woman he likes and respects. Help him find exceptions to the rule. I doubt he has had these thoughts for 5 years and she just found out. He is being programmed and if she cared for him she would help in his rehabilitation.
(6,823 posts)to discuss his radical ideas about women.
But the point isnt to talk about his new radical ideas but rather get him away for radical forces and talk about things positive woman in his life.
dawg day
(7,947 posts)serial murderers, mass shooters... almost all male-
And he thinks WOMEN shouldn't vote? I mean, I like men just fine, but if the world has been "ruined", I think we have to place the blame, such as it is, on the gender who has had power all along.
Of course, guys like this don't have power... he's like one of those "incels" who blames women for his impotence.
(5,815 posts)She should not have been shocked. They are old, white men who want everyone who is not an old, white man in his/her place. They are no longer in power. They know what is coming and they are not simply upset. IMO, they are scared and outraged. Seems to me to explain all of the anti-abortion legislation. The RW females support all of this because they have learned their place from their white RW masters.
They are hateful and they are not about to change. Run, do not walk from a POS like that.
Edit to insert omitted word.
(3,424 posts)So out he goes.
Seriously this man is a dangerous man. He doesnt mind her voting, for now. Thatll turn into as long as she votes how he says very soon.
Baitball Blogger
(49,491 posts)If they get married, they will not come together in understanding. Even when they hear the same conversations, they will remember things differently based on their point of view. Each time you think there's an A-HA moment that will prove your point, he won't remember hearing the same thing.
(2,343 posts)saying this to her as his ploy to get her to break up with him. That way he avoids the uncomfortable situation of telling her he no longer wants to be with her. Problem solved!
Blue Owl
(55,571 posts)n/t