Related: About this forum14 Girls Explain Why Women Should Learn How To Code

These girls want to change the face of coding.
This summer, over 1,000 girls around the country are participating in a free summer program that gives them intensive instruction in computer science and mentorship from top female technology executives.
The summer program is put on by Girls Who Code, a nonprofit that empowers women to pursue technology-related careers and sends them to the campuses of tech companies like Microsoft.
The gender gap in technology is vast. In 2013, just over a quarter of computing jobs were held by women -- a percentage that has actually decreased since 1990.
~more at link

Girls Who Code is a great organization. Coding is fun! If you know a girl or young woman who enjoys solving puzzles, programming might be a good fit for her.

Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Codeacademy is a good one:
(14,255 posts)Anyway, trials and tribulations and fighting things like being asked to cross-train on wimmen-jobs like secretary and tape librarian (I refused until one of the guys did it) aside, coding has taken me to four other countries, and a few other states.
I highly recommend learning to code - it instills both logic and the sense of variables - what could possible go wrong, what could change, and how to deal with that in advance, if possible. Great idea!
(13,794 posts)All the skill in the world will mean jack if the Tech companies are allowed to outsource jobs. You can be someone who makes Bill Gates look like an idiot, but if the trend continues, not only will the glass ceiling hit ladies, but the Asian wallet.