Related: About this forumMontana Dress Code Has Female Legislators Sporting New Look: Clenched Jaws
GOPers, keeping women in their places since 1854.
Republican leaders who approved the guidelines say they are simply trying to bring a businesslike formality to a State Legislature of ranchers, farmers and business owners that meets for only four months every other year. But the dress code has set off a torrent of online mockery, and is being pilloried by Democratic women as a sexist anachronism straight from the days of buggies and spittoons....
Ms. Eck said she was leaving a health care forum in Helena, the capital, on Monday when one of her Republican colleagues peered at her and told her that he was glad to see she was dressed appropriately.
It just creates this ability to scrutinize women, Ms. Eck said. It makes it acceptable for someone whos supposed to be my peer and my equal to look me up and down and comment on what Im wearing. That doesnt feel right.

(65 posts)

(40,656 posts)length of a man's dick. The longer the skirt, the shorter the dick. I have spoken.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)
(1,210 posts)they are probably wanting women to wear full length skirts and full arm length up to the neck tops - once again the GOP proving they have more in common with the Taliban than with American ideals.
Just for spite I would wear a skirt - over trousers.
(6,719 posts)1) Show up in 1800's long dresses the pioneer women wore.
2) Show up in black jeans, vests, cowboy boots.
3) Show up in whatever those total coverup things are than some women in the middle east have to wear -- Burkas?
4) Show up Annie Oakley style with guns or rodeo style with ropes over your shoulders.
5) Hire a covered wagon to bring all of you from a central location to the state capital.
Do something all together and it will hit the press and go viral. This could be a great story. And your men folk will be sputtering. Yep. Republican men have a thing about women. Cheering for all of you women legislators in Montana. Hope to see you on the front pages soon.
(39,215 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)
(6,719 posts)1monster
(11,030 posts)neck to wrist, (and not tight bodices either), high button shoes, and veiled heads. These low-brain-activity men don't comprehend irony.
(6,719 posts)Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)I saw the rootin'-tootin'-est black and white cowgirl outfit at an antique mall yesterday. It had fringe, piping, and cowgirl designs all over the western style shirt and the wonderful twirly skirt. So cute!
Add a pair of boots, a lasso, and a pistol...all set to legislate!
(6,719 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)short pants and knee socks.
(6,719 posts)Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)
(6,675 posts)black dresses with turtle necks, long sleeves, knee length with a string of pearls?? Everyday. They might get the message.
(6,719 posts)Augiedog
(2,607 posts)Perhaps they can hire NYPD officers to patrol the Congressional isles and apply appropriate compliance measures to these miscreant legislatrises, lest they attempt wearing distractive attire while legislating....a whole new level of criminal behavior needing to be strangled.
(50,983 posts)jwirr
(39,215 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)

(39,215 posts)could no longer wear blue jeans, sweaters etc.. Our rear ends were so cute!
(4,389 posts)

(18,791 posts)How many women (and men) don't bother to vote because they're too busy texting, gaming, shopping, etc.?
WELL...this what ya'all are going to end up with!
(15,882 posts)Or they voted Democratic in the last election and became one of the over ten million people who have moved into poverty during this administration, watching while it made the banks richer than they ever have been in the history of the country (while telling them it was good for them, like on the plantation), and have realized there is no one on their side to vote for.
When the choice is between two plantations, it's not a choice.
(1,237 posts)and if the left consistantly voted the dem pols wouldnt need to court the right for votes
(15,882 posts)belzabubba333
(1,237 posts)that's the story
(17,301 posts)Nothing like making sure those women know how to dress so as NOT to be a distraction to males. Next stop the 1800's.
(25,497 posts)Before printing presses; when only rich white men had Bibles and could make it say whatever they wanted to.
(122,596 posts)women to pregnant cows:
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)
(9,748 posts)Beowulf42
(241 posts)I apologize in the name of all of the sensible people in Montana, but this is just the front edge of the storm that is going to hit this state created by the ALEC trained legislators and the Kock Brothers. We have to hope our Governor is strong enough to veto the crapfest that is bearing down on the State of Montana at this very moment.
(1,397 posts)I think all the lady legislators in Montana should dress in their best, shortest, tightest Daisy Dukes -- parade in together and dare the male sonsabitches to complain.
And if you're not familiar with Daisy Duke and her couture, Google is your friend.
(3,180 posts)douggg
(239 posts)Well, at least we now know it's ok to ogle the republicans' wives and daughters for the same expectations.
(15,882 posts)The guys are thinking 1805, but it is 2014 and they have not enough respect for women to update their attitudes.
This ought to scare the bejesus out of most any woman in that state regardless of their beliefs, and be a good motivator for them to start fighting for the equality and recognition they deserve. It won't, of course, but perhaps there will be enough.
(2,941 posts)vkkv
(3,384 posts)- or DRUNK!
(36,517 posts)Shitheads.
(6,891 posts)Puritanism is a dodge. They'd really like to see their female colleagues topless, in high heels and thongs, dancing with a pole.
(37,137 posts)Since they evaluate women primarily on the basis of looks while men can look any old way (see Faux News), any woman who doesn't measure up should simply disappear.
I totally agree about your point. The whole "decency" stance is a cover for their own issues.
(51,081 posts)
(9,154 posts)How you dress is considered a First Amendment issue, it is often placed in the context of dress codes for kids in schools. What you choose to wear is a form of expression, similar to speech.
When someone else mandates your clothing, they are restricting your speech and telling you what your speech must be. That is where lying begins. If you don't believe in murder, but someone forces you to wear a shirt that says "I believe in murder", then those who created that dress code forced you to lie. That example is extreme and perhaps hyperbolic to make a point. A less obvious and highly common form of dress code is to wear the uniform of banksters. These are liars, cheats, and thieves par excellence, who of honest mind would want to dress like them?
Sorry, I don't usually post here, hope I didn't break any group or forum rules