Women's Rights & Issues
Related: About this forumIf you knew that a female co-worker was being sexually harassed
at work what would you do?
I learned that three women were harassed at my school by the head custodian (a married man). The women didn't report it and they made excuses, "maybe in his home country it is OK behavior", "he might not help me in my classroom", "I do not want to make it into something and feel more ashamed". I was pissed off so I went and reported it to the union and there was a mandatory special staff meeting with union reps there and handouts about our rights. It never happened again.

(47,209 posts)help at all- especially if the perp has any power.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)these predators in their place. Grand Daughter was be harassed by a Fast Food Manager,well,she captured this Asshole on video with audio and guess what,the Guy got his Ass handed to him when she presented this recording to the Store Owner. The Owner filed a Police Report and the case is still pending a court date.
(6,671 posts)REPORT THE HARASSER, first to your servicing rep, then to HR. It's more delicate if it's 2 Bargaining Unit members, but it's always better to get people talking and to have the principles aware of people who have "assaultive" behaviors. Corroborating testimony is KEY. I would comment more about my experiences, but ah... that's a can o'worms.
(54,731 posts)while i think you did the right thing to speak up, there are some dangers there.
in particular, you're in a very awkward situation if you specifically identify someone as a harasser based on second-hand information if they won't back you up. you're also potentially placing *them* in an awkward situation if they don't want to face their own risks.
that said, again, i think you did the right thing to speak up and the school did the right thing by at least having a special non-harassment meeting (this should be an annual thing anyway).
anyway, too late now but for what it's worth, i would have suggested to avoid specifically naming the harasser and certainly the victims. it's enough to say you've heard problems and think we need more formal training in non-harassment.
(52,672 posts)to report it. I am not sure if anyone spoke with the man who did it but he was at the meeting with everyone else. Since it stopped happening I guess he got the point.
(30,058 posts)This is something which should be addressed everyday, it should not be happening.
(122,596 posts)what would happen if I heard of it happening again. it did not, at least as long as I was there.