Related: About this forumMy mom died today
It wasn't unexpected. She was eighty years old, and in poor health. She kept telling me she was ready to go. When the nurse called to tell me, however, she dropped a few bombshells.
There are people living in my mom's house who are not related by blood, although she calls them her grandkids. The nurse told me that one of them was listed as having power of attorney for her, even though we have the forms that say we (Paul and I) do. Nurse said we were on there, but now listed as second. So, no clue what that's about since she never told me.
Now we're wondering if she ever changed her Will to include these people. Again, not something she discussed with me, although about six months ago, she asked if we would be willing to let these people have the house (the one I grew up in and has been in our family for more than sixty years). I said no. Paul would like to move in there since it's larger than ours and has a garage, and it's got a bulk of my memories. She said she would give them money then, which I had no problem with.
Now I need to find out if she changed the Will and gave these people the house. It's freaking me out, because I don't want there to be conflict, but I'm not willing to let them keep something my family has always owned. It might make me seem like an ass, but I can't help it.
I called a probate lawyer today, but won't hear back until at least Thursday. So, that's where we are now.

(189,243 posts)Meadowoak
(6,413 posts)When my father passed, I was supposed to be executor, my brother had snuck into my dad's nursing home and had him sign a power of attorney for him. I didn't know any of this until my father's death. At the same time, I learned that he treated himself to dad's saving account, and had cleaned him out to the tune of about $450,000. Dad wasn't in his right mind, but his doctor refused to testify to that. Needless to say, I got screwed bigly.
(153,137 posts)And it's doubly hard since now you have to wait till after Christmas to do anything at all. I feel your frustration!
And there is no way you're being an ass about all this. That house is part of you as well as part of your heritage.
I hope Thursday gets here soon.
(13,974 posts)I fought for some things after my mothers death and have never regretted it.
(16,500 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)2naSalit
(95,921 posts)Mine passed on New Year's Eve. I would call the nurse back and tell her to do nothing and let nothing happen - nio money distribution or anything until you have contacted the attorney or at least go there to see what's up in person, which you should do. Something isn't right here. Hope you can resolve it without issues.
(5,403 posts)Deuxcents
(21,268 posts)My mom passed 21 n years ago last week and her wishes were discussed with only one of wasnt me and Im the oldest so my other sisters and I were taken back when we were not given any mementos, photos..nothing. After all this time, theres been no conversation with this sister as she has shut us out. But..we are alive and well and much better off with our memories and not having her in our lives. I hope things work out better for you and I would say, get professional help, especially if you have anything in writing. Sorry for your time is a better time to experience such grief 🌺
(15,470 posts)It makes it worse having to wonder if these people took advantage of her in her final days.
(54,461 posts)TexasTowelie
(119,301 posts)have her mental faculties. I would definitely have the disputed POA examined for forged signatures and also verify the date it was signed--the same would also apply to a revised will. The probate attorney should be able to provide some guidance.
My condolences on the loss of your mother.
(69 posts)Condolences on the passing of your mom. It's sad that you are burdened with having to deal with legal issues during this sad time but may you be able to celebrate her life through the years to come.
(90,328 posts)Expected or not, it hits you hard especially around a holiday.
(21,254 posts)I am also sorry about these complications. I hope it goes smoothly.
live love laugh
(15,026 posts)MacKasey
(1,326 posts)You need to line up a doctor to attest to her mental facilities.
Did the hospital turn your mother 's body for funeral over to these people?
If they are not blood related, I believe that is in your favor
You got a battle ahead
Very sad to hear about your mother but I went into fight mode with your situation
(419 posts)you are doing the right thing. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of others. Again, sorry for your loss and good luck.
(109,763 posts)than a general power of attorney. I hope that's all he got. With a general power of attorney, he could have made financial decisions even while she was alive.
What a mess. I am so sorry, and especially, for the loss of your mother.
lonely bird
(2,143 posts)The will and probate stuff just sucks.
Losing your mother this time of year really sucks.
My mom died on Christmas Eve in 1983. She was 58. I still dislike this time of year.
(2,940 posts)
(24,164 posts)
minedied december 21 2002. still dealing with it.

(3,496 posts)
(887 posts)It's tough to lose your mom.
I hope everything works out well in the end.
(34,774 posts)Loving a Mom is so complex, I am sorry.
Change all the locks as soon as you can
(124,927 posts)pandr32
(12,713 posts)I am so sorry for your loss, but also for the ordeal you have to go through while you grieve.
(9,614 posts)realize they have no moral right to your mom's home.
(23,946 posts)to let you know earlier...guess she believed the grandkids story. Worrying about this won't help... try to let the spirit of the season help you cope... I know, I'd find it impossible !!!!
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)I sure hope you can resolve this quickly. Good luck!
(159,701 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,794 posts)that os oen of the hatrdest deaths