Related: About this forumTrans folks seeking out-of-state health care must take big precautions to avoid legal surveillance
Prosecutors and state officials can use countless surveillance tools, from automated license plate readers to street cameras, to identify and track those seeking, facilitating, or assisting out-of-state care, the report explains. They can also weaponize commercially available surveillance data. S.T.O.P. used one data brokers platform to place the homes of visitors to an Illinois abortion clinic across the river in Missouri, where abortion is banned.
...Car travel is especially susceptible to surveillance, the report states. Worse yet, car data lends itself to profiling yet unknown healthcare seekers Automated surveillance of cars is now pervasive, making it nearly impossible to travel untracked in a car.
...Whats more, state attorneys general that have outlawed abortion and/or gender-affirming care have made it clear that preventing folks from violating these laws is a priority. This week, Republican attorneys general from 19 states sent a letter to the Biden administration demanding access to the private medical records of citizens who cross state lines to access abortion services or gender-affirming care in states where such care is legal.
Well, there we have it. Healthcare in the United States. You are not free. You will be watched and persecuted for, what just a couple years ago was completely legal. Who's healthcare is next to be outlawed?

In 2024 and vote out all GOP!
(16,392 posts)These are not at a high-tech level, and offer easy to understand tips.
The first is aimed at abortion, but the same rules apply.
The latter has a gentle introduction.
Digital Security and Privacy Tips for Those Involved in Abortion Access
CC BY license, "You do NOT have to ask permission to post original EFF material on a mailing list or newsgroup"
Legislation deputizing people to find, sue, and collect damages from anyone who tries to help people seeking abortion care creates serious digital privacy and security risks for those involved in abortion access. Patients, their family members and friends, doctors, nurses, clinic staff, reproductive rights activists, abortion rights counselors and website operators, insurance providers, and even drivers who help take patients to clinics may face grave risks to their privacy and safety. Other legislation that does not depend on deputizing bounty hunters, but rather criminalizes abortion, presents even more significant risks.
Those targeted by anti-abortion laws can, if they choose, take steps to better protect their privacy and security. Though there is no one-size-fits-all digital security solution, some likely risks are clear. One set of concerns involves law enforcement and state actors, who may have expensive and sophisticated surveillance technology at their disposal, as well as warrants and subpoenas. Because of this, using non-technical approaches in combination with technical ones may be more effective at protecting yourself. Private actors in states with "bounty laws" may also try to enlist a court's subpoena power (to seek information associated with your ISP address, for example, or other data that might be collected by the services you use). But it may still be easier to protect yourself from this private surveillance using technical approaches. This guide will cover some of each.
Developing risk awareness and a routine of keeping your data private and secure takes practice. Whether the concern is over digital surveillance, like tracking what websites youve visited, or attempts to obtain personal communications using the courts, its good to begin by thinking at a high level about ways you can improve your overall security and keep your online activities private. Then, as you come to understand the potential scope of risks you may face, you can narrow in on the tools and techniques that are the best fit for your concerns. Here are some high-level tips to help you get started. We recommend pairing them with some specific guides weve highlighted here. To be clear, it is virtually impossible to devise a perfect security strategybut good practices can help.
One page of tips follows this intro.
The Beginner's Guide to Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
Content CCBY4 licensed
How would you like to feel - and more importantly, be - safe online again? Most of us know that we could be doing better when it comes to our online habits: we reuse bad passwords, overshare personal information, and leave ourselves exposed to all kinds of risks all over the internet. But it doesnt have to be that way and it doesnt have to be hard, either.
Welcome to The New Oil. This site is designed to help readers take back control of their data and regain their privacy online.
Are you a programmer, sysadmin, networking expert, or hacker? If you answered no, youre in the right place! This site is not aimed at tech experts. If you know how to download an app on your phone, how to sign up for an email account, or what a password is, youve got the qualifications to tackle the advice and content on this site.
Whether youre looking to keep yourself safe from identity theft and common hacks, whether you simply object to mass surveillance, or anything in between, this site will help you learn the basics about protecting your identity, your safety, and your data in a way thats accessible and achievable. Welcome to privacy made easy.
(10,442 posts)Track me motherfuckers. See what happens when you come to put me into a camp as well.
(9,629 posts)We got to stand up to the bigots!!!
(199 posts)We've talked a little about the possible unfolding restrictions and if she or her very large practice have any issues with transgender HRT. We appear to be okay, at least until the legislature returns.
I've also asked her if she would be willing to see a Florida resident friend of mine if Florida restricts treatments for adults. That is a possibility, and my friend is aware of the opportunity.