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(25,061 posts)Necrotic dead tissue falling off a corpse. Glad they chose black for the travel warning state.
This is so messed up.
(10,567 posts)It is the essence of RW idiotology.
(1,130 posts)I dont know why conservatives have to try to control other peoples lives. This is supposed to be a free country. Hopefully, the majority of the people here wake up to just how bad the GQP is and votes them out next national election. Fortunately, I live in one of the safest states.
It's all about "controlling other peoples' lives."
(855 posts)Currently tied up inextricably for the time being in a hazardous state but hopefully not for too long my life has been challenging and unusual enough already without having to fake going in the closet (which is pretty much impossible at this stage as well without a whole new identity)
(2,809 posts)But I was on the Navajo reservation, didn't see as much sickening MAGA shit till lately in relocation process
(855 posts)Last edited Sun May 28, 2023, 09:00 PM - Edit history (1)
I had a guy offer to head over that way with me once but I held back. Kind of regret it now, but I will keep an eye out for opportunities.
Ive been on disability for a while, trying to get started vs retiring. I had someone I thought was a friend for a few years near Asheville but I ended that after he ended up pressuring me into siding with conservatives which creeped me out, in addition to stressing me out so much I needed to pause college and end that lease. Not what a friend would do. Long story.
(189 posts)No blue state turned red, and New Hampshire turned blue.
I suppose NH is a liberal state that got rid of an antiquated law? Or was there some sort of struggle?
(2,489 posts)From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry for what is going on.
Stay safe and vigilant.
Love from Cleveland.
(19,715 posts)There's hardly any pink left, and so many of the states that were pink or bright red have gone dark red. I knew it was getting worse all the time, but not how much worse.
(9,629 posts)Stealing Obamas Supreme Court pick set us back 60 years.