Related: About this forumI have a trans grandson, and a few years ago, at the beginning of his transition, we watched this
'Ma Vie en Rose' (My Life in Pink). It is a Belgian movie with English subtitles. I had seen the movie before, and when we learned of his transitioning (a sensitive and bit shy 15 year old), we watched the movie together.
He was tremendously moved, and i think a little strengthened, by the movie. Afterwards he asked me through tears, why he had never heard of this movie, why other people had not seen it. I told him that the US had put an R rating on it, even though there was nothing sexual about the movie, to make sure that kids DIDN'T see it!
Here is a link to the trailer:
I know it is available as a rental on YouTube.
I thought to post this, after reading about the teacher whose job is threatened in Florida because of a Disney movie .

The Polack MSgt
(13,532 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,136 posts)judesedit
(4,534 posts)People have to get over it and accept it. No one's bothering them. They need to mind their own business. We need freedom and justice for all. Love is love. You can't tell your heart what to do.
(13,967 posts)Didn't you ever hear about the two cities that were outside of New York? One was named Sodom and I don't remember what the other one was. Why you don't hear about them, is because Jesus tore the shit out'a them because there was buggering and stuff like that going on.
Well, do you want the same thing to happen to the United States? Yes. I mean, the WHOLE United States because this time, Jesus ain't gonna fool around. There were these people in some town -- I think it was called Westchester - West Windsor -Westburro or something like that. They tried to warn us but people made fun of them and look where we are now. A democrat president.
We gotta save the country before its too late.
(1,248 posts)Its too real.
(4,534 posts)Sodom and Gomorrah, supposedly, had a lot of human beings, of all stripes, doing all kinds of things. Probably orgies, sexual deviance, etc, too.
I did read the entire Bible, Old and New Testaments. Alot of, especially. the Old Testament, left you to understand it according to your own comprehension of the wording. The New Testament less so. I saw no condemnation of love between adults.
To save America we must ensure equality for all. Freedom and justice for ALL. Not just the chosen few.
(20,379 posts)Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of sin in general, and those sins may not even have had anything to do with sexuality. (In spite of the term "sodomy," that was coined much later.)
(13,967 posts)judesedit
(4,534 posts)
(13,967 posts)
raging moderate
(4,555 posts)
raging moderate
(4,555 posts)Ezekiel 16:49: "This was the sin of Sodom...Arrogance, gluttony, and not helping the poor and needy people." Ezekiel was a great prophet and writer. Actually, if you read the story of Sodom in the Bible, it is pretty clear that the mob outside is a rigidly cis-gender bunch, taunting Lot about his heavenly visitors, who seem effeminate to the mob. The words that are being shouted sound eerily like the words of modern-day right-wing sexist mobs taunting people who do not meet their rigid standards of sexual differentiation.
(13,967 posts)Sometimes, my posts get alerted.
(10,252 posts)There isn't anyone, who doesn't wish they could change something about their body. We don't go after people for dyeing hair, augmenting breasts, penile implants, nose jobs.
My brother (now deceased) was a life long cross-dresser enthusiast. He called it his hobby. I wasn't interested in his hobby, but it never harmed me. Frankly I didn't really care.
What really needs to change is people's minds. Is it really so threatening to see a guy in a dress? We seem not to be too bothered by women wearing slacks and jeans. You don't like drag shows? So don't go to places where cross-dreassers hang out. You don't like gay parades? So go somewhere else or stay home. Open your F'ing minds to the possibility that it's OK for people to be very different from you.
(4,534 posts)Unless they are hurting someone that doesn't want to be hurt. Not talking about pedophiles here. There are so many more important things that need to be addressed. White supremacy front and foremost. No one is better than anyone else. They need to get it through their thick skulls.
(10,252 posts)I'm better economically, better educated, and better at practicing ethical morality.
What I'm not is better at being above the law, or better at disregarding the individual rights and freedoms of others.
(4,534 posts)But we should all be respected and treated equally. Assholes should be dealt with, with hopes they will come to their senses. The world would be a better place if brotherhood was spread around, instead of hate and violence.
I am referring to us as spiritual beings. Skin color is a genetic thing a person has no control over. As is sexual preference, which is being discovered. Nothing to do with "things". You are more fortunate. Lucky for you. Also, good for you that you had the opportunity to become more educated. That does not make a person better. No disrespect intended whatsoever. Just my viewpoint.
I'm glad you are respectful of the law and others. That is critically important in this country of ours, especially at this time.
(67,112 posts)yardwork
(65,743 posts)sarchasm
(1,248 posts)Released in 1997.
(3,671 posts)And the crusty old grandfather spends hours learning how to apply makeup? Then when the family arrives and he sees his grandson looking very uncomfortable and what his parents presume will be acceptable to the grandfather (=no makeup) he takes them to the bathroom and helps them get made up?
It brought tears to my eyes. I wonder if that commercial is still on the air? In this current climate it also seems like something that would get banned.
(8,047 posts)Biophilic
(5,353 posts)I loved it. Went out and bought a bottle even though I dont really drink scotch. It was a beautiful video and I wanted to support them. We need more companies with courage.
(727 posts)Searched and found it here:
Its for J&B Whiskey and youre right it made me teary eyed too. Beautiful, well-done ad. 👍
(16,875 posts)judesedit
(4,534 posts)Duncanpup
(14,138 posts)kimbutgar
(24,478 posts)Boys more like girls and girls more like boys.
I havent met one of these children who are jerks and for the most part all the other kids accept them and its no big deal. One child I knew told me his family was moving to Canada because things are better there for kids like them.
(3,945 posts)Wish my mother had been that supportive. My dad was but mother had her own issues with everything.
Not that Im trans in any way, being gay was quite enough for all of us to cope with.
(5,369 posts)won grand prize at Cannes in 2007. It is an Argentine film and should have English subtitles. I was so impressed by the film about a young intersex adolescent. A personal family drama with stunning location filming. It has been a couple of years since I watched the film for a Spanish class I took but it sparked a deep interest in the family drama and relationships.