Related: About this forumTransphobes have decided that Daniel Radcliffe's pregnant girlfriend is trans & it's very dumb
TERFs trans-exclusionary radical feminists, who sometimes call themselves gender critical pointed out how Darke is taller than Radcliffe, a sure sign that shes trans since no cis woman has ever been taller than any cis man.
This was first pointed out by A Fools Circle author Suzanne Seddon, whose Insta profile says shes AWAKE not WOKE and who uses Twitter to call trans women men and post anti-vaccine message
This is Daniel Radcliffes (Harry Potter) Girlfriend, she wrote. Now what do you see?
[...]As for Seddon, she wasnt fazed by the mockery she received, apparently. She posted a dubbed video of former First Lady Barbara Bush to imply that she was trans too. And some of her followers believed her this time, though fewer than with Darke.

(10,442 posts)All I'm gonna say. These people are fucking stupid.
(3,379 posts)Fuck TERF's. And, no, that's not a "slur."
(15,899 posts)Her cis male fiancee is 5'9".
(67,112 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)All else must be men! Fuck that! TREFs are stupid dumb shits.
(66,283 posts)He's shorter than most adult men and quite a few adult women. God, those people are stupid!!!
(3,321 posts)Into the dark internet rabbit hole of "Transvestigators." They look at pictures of (mostly famous) people, and draw triangles and curvy lines to indicate how basically everyone famous is trans, or "invert" as they call them. There is no sunlight between them and the people who believe lizard people secretly rule the world through the Illuminati, Freemasons, and Jewish bankers. Absolutely clownshoes.
They love pointing out skull shapes, hip/shoulder ratios, thigh gaps, etc... etc... It's just Phrenology with extra steps.
I won't link to any, 'cause they're all batshit. But if you have a morbid fascination, look up "transvestigators" on Twitter, and you'll find some, and a few people mocking them (and deservedly so).
(19,775 posts)That was even worse, imo, because of the addition of racism, but ALL of it is horrible!
(3,321 posts)Everyone from Marilyn Monroe to Taylor Swift. From Orson Welles to Christian Bale.
Their unhinged ramblings indicate that everyone famous (and probably a bunch of people you know!) are all secretly satanic "inverts" because... reasons? It's some kind of... satanic ritual?
Like, I can't even get my brain to wrap around the semblance of any kind of reasoning to any of their bizarre nonsense. There was one particularly famous transvestigator who eventually got drummed out of her own transvestigation Facebook group because her followers started to question her bone structure.
It's just wildly out of control. For example:
Every time I start thinking that I know how crazy people can be, I find out that I really didn't know at all!
And of course, the internet makes it really easy for them to find each other and egg each other on. As much as I ❤ this thing called cyberspace and would never want to have to live my life without it again, I hate the way it contributes to things like this.
P.S. r/badwomensanatomy is one of my favorite subreddits. I love the way it manages to be hilarious, infuriating, and informative p7, all at the same time.
(9,630 posts)Fixed!
Nothing feminist about Gender Criticals. By definition, feminism is about adovatinging for womens rights on the basis of equality of the sexes.
If you arent advocating for trans women you are not a feminist.
It is like an inverted no true Scotsman fallacy.
Pete Ross Junior
(404 posts)... are so fucking stoopid.