Related: About this forumThe writers restoring queer lives into world war history
It seems unlikely there wasnt gay sex at the front: The writers restoring queer lives into world war historyAlice Winn is talking to me about her debut novel, In Memoriam, a love story between two young officers set in the trenches of the First World War. Its not as if I could find primary sources for what gay sex was like at the front, she says, but it seems unlikely that it never happened.
She has a point. The homosexual feelings, if not the actual encounters, of officers such as Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen are clearly recorded in their poems and letters. In more concrete terms, 270 British soldiers were court-martialled during the conflict for gross indecency, as illegal homosexual activities were known. So yes, of course there was gay sex at the front.
Winns novel, which imagines these acts in an explicitly erotic way, is one of two new books that set out to challenge the stereotype of British masculinity in the 20th centurys two world wars. Luke Turners Men at War, released next month, is part-history, part-memoir, and explores the complex but underdiscussed spectrum of masculinity that defined the Second World War. Both books question the ideal of the straight, cisgender serviceman, who in films and fiction is too often portrayed as the only true hero of the conflicts. In these new accounts, fluid gender identities and queer sexuality are revealed to have been no barrier to courageous acts.
Winn, 30, a screenwriter living in New York, says that the initial inspiration for her book came from reading the digital archive of the newspaper at her old school, Marlborough, where Sassoon had also been a pupil. I devoured all the papers from 1913 to 1919 and it was like nothing else Ive ever read, she says. What fascinated her about the papers was the real-time reports of the war that older and former pupils sent back. At first they are all excited,and then they write about gallant deaths, and then it changes tenor as the horror sets in.

(23,943 posts)Von Steubig, who taught the continental soldiers how to behave like an army, was homosexual.
(2,809 posts)Has to be countered by any means possible. The suicides caused by coming of age youths in reality-sterilized environments, albeit more difficult to achieve in the internet age, still possible to isolate and enforce bigotry with that sort of slanted demagoguery.
I'll reiterate: Westboro has blood on their hands from half a century ago when they got away with stochastic genocide.
If it weren't for some less censored material in the school library that helped me discover I wasn't some total freak, although I still came way to damn close in '76 deciding the whole world hated me, the rope, the bridge, the traffic fumes...
But even that day the sun came out and I discovered in the city that I was not nearly alone at all.