Creative Speculation
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Catch it before its removed.
I just started watching it just only came up in the last hour.
from the link:
Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure Movement and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence is working with Emmy award winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka and his team at Neverending Light Productions to produce one of the most significant films of our time.
This film exposes the greatest story never told:

(7,044 posts)Watch out for incoming deFlunkers.
(36,988 posts)but I'm glad I didn't fork out the ten bucks for it.
But I never go to the movies or watch TV although I see what I want when I want most of the time on the internet.
I'd give it a 6 out of 10
on IMBD...
(38,197 posts)I wanted to see it even though the thought of an alien only being 6 inches tall just ruins all my daydreams about my home planet coming back to get me. I still want to see it though, because I am interested in the little ones too.
(36,988 posts)you are right .... its gone now.
(36,988 posts)William Seger
(11,459 posts)Quantess
(27,630 posts)That would be so exciting! That would be pretty funny if these little creatures bossed us around.
(75,480 posts)Movie no longer available.
(36,988 posts)I do know some got to see it.
I might have other sources in a few days...but it won't be youtube.
(20,620 posts)OK, so I wasted $10 to watch Greer's UFO documentary film Sirius on-line on the night of its Word Premiere in Hollywood. I watched it so you won't have to. First there was the "Red Carpet Coverage" of the Premiere in real-time before the movie, which apparently is no longer available. It was mostly hoopla, with a strong anti-capitalist tone. The first ten minutes or so of the movie were included.
As the film opens, we see Greer going into a college auditorium in Santa Monica, the audience being checked with metal detectors for weapons. "Most people don't know what a Dead Man Trigger is." Very few people need one. But Greer has one - if the Conspiracy rubs him out, lots of sensitive documents get sent out to influential people. Excuse me while I barf - If Greer actually had any documents as hot as all that, he would have given them to the press long ago.
Most of what we see after that comes in no particular order. We are given UFO cases and UFO witnesses in a popcorn sort of manner, no sooner does one bounce up than it falls back and another takes its place. There is no time (or need) for exposition, or analysis. Every case, and every claim, is apparently completely solid and needs no further explanation or proof. The "organization" of the film was such that one could have taken almost any segment of it, and switched it with any other, and the change would scarcely be noticed. Some things that we are shown, for the most part quite briefly, include, in no particular order:
(1,259 posts)got it
(20,620 posts)I'm sure there are big bucks waiting for you as well for evidence of aliens.
So bring it! What are you waiting for???
(1,259 posts)even though the evidence is overwhelming when taken together.
(20,620 posts)who cares?
how about good enough for the scientific community or just the world in general?
Again, if you have the evidence you should present it to the world!
(1,259 posts)as far as the scientific community, there really isn't a way to get grants to work on UFOs/ETs, as far as I know. There may be a few "scientists" who have studied UFOs, but you know, it's just not an intensively studied area. Plus, it doesn't help that the govt is covering up the best evidence-- and you *know* they have data and evidence on UFOs they haven't released.
(20,620 posts)I do?
How would I know this?
How would you know this?
(1,259 posts)seriously
(20,620 posts)Point me to the accounts that cannot be explained.
Show me the best evidence.
(1,259 posts)And you have changed the issue. To be clear-- are you denying the govt is withholding evidence on UFOs?
(20,620 posts)Do you?
If so, how do you know?
William Seger
(11,459 posts)Either the guy is totally delusional, a bald-faced liar, or...

(12,241 posts)Area 51.
"Anonymous" is making a name for himself in UFO circles with this load of bs. Too bad the name is "Anonymous." What fun would that be? lol
William Seger
(11,459 posts)The rest of it was pretty much a synopsis of Independence Day. I would have expected a few new details from a real insider. There was virtually nothing in it that could be independently verified, either.
(1,259 posts)It's in several books. Do you want a list?
(20,620 posts)Show me all the evidence that says the government is withholding evidence about UFOs.
(1,259 posts)
"Richard M. Dolan is a gifted historian whose study of U.S. Cold War strategy led him to the broader context of increased security measures and secrecy since World War II. One aspect of such government policies that has continued to hold the public's imagination for over half a century is the question of unidentified flying objects.
UFOs and the National Security State is the first volume of a two-part detailed chronological narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Working from hundreds of declassified records and other primary and secondary sources, Dolan centers his investigation on the American military and intelligence communities, demonstrating that they take UFOs seriously indeed.
Included in this volume are the activities of more than fifty military bases relating to UFOs, innumerable violations of sensitive airspace by unknown craft and analyses of the Roswell controversy, the CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel, and the Condon Committee Report. Dolan highlights the development of civilian anti-secrecy movements, which flourished in the 1950s and 1960s until the adoption of an official government policy and subsequent "closing of the door" during the Nixon administration."
(20,620 posts)With this in mind, an objective read of UFOs and the National Security State, on which Dolans reputation in the UFO field as a serious researcher is largely based, shows it to be nothing more than conspiracy theory masquerading as a serious historical study.
Take, for example, Dolans conclusions about the death of Captain Edward Ruppelt, which can be found at pp. 236 237. Dolan writes:
We are to believe that his exposure to the Contactees prompted him publicly to insult Keyhoe, a man whom Ruppelt knew despised the Contactees
The key lies in Ruppelts continuing association with Blue Book and air force personnel. No doubt, that was a crucial factor
In the context of Ruppelts recent stance toward the air force on UFOs, his rapid and total conversion, and his death at such a young age, matters ought to look suspicious, particularly in light of the capabilities that existed within the American national security apparatus by this time. Whether he was actually killed, or whether he died from the stress brought on by what he had gone through (the belief of [Frank] Edwards and Keyhoe), there seems little reason to doubt that Ruppelt was coerced. [emphasis in original]
Little reason to doubt?
The fact is that Ruppelt died of his second heart attack, showing that he already had significant health problems. Heart disease is not confined to senior citizens; it can, and in this case clearly did, strike men and women still in the prime of life (a subject I know something about, having been put on cholesterol and blood pressure medication in my mid 30s). Also, Dolan rejects, with no foundation, the testimony of the person who perhaps knew Ruppelt best his wife, who told researchers that his change of mind had nothing to do with pressure from the government.
Much more at the link
(1,259 posts)... that excerpt from a clearly biased reviewer hardly disproves anything. It seems, you have no interest in doing any reading into this. Or will only read stuff that conforms to your POV.
(20,620 posts)If Rush Limbaugh told you he had evidence of government coverups of UFOs, would you believe it?
The review seems right on target using the author's own words to show that he is full of shit.
That's not biased.
(1,259 posts)critically evaluating the book yourself. Nonetheless, the book is filled with massive amounts of facts about the government and UFOs.
I should point out that the review you cite is from a competing UFO researcher, who has every incentive to put down Dolan. Further, it seems odd that he has nothing positive to say about a huge book, and just takes two little excerpts on very complicated characters (Ruppelt and MacDonald), and trashes Dolan's speculations.
In any case, since you seem to admire Kimble, why don't you look at the video he has on his site for best UFO evidence?
By the way, on his Facebook page, Kimble notes he is in the RCMP (basically like Canada's FBI), and thus may well have govt or intelligence ties.
(20,620 posts)Therefore it's true.
I am convinced.
(1,259 posts)and can't see that the government is covering up the issue.
Really, what a ridiculous position that is. Why you are taking that position, I have no idea.
(20,620 posts)Back at ya.
So far, you have not presented any evidence of a coverup.
(1,259 posts)UFOs, I just don't know what to say to you. I have no idea what evidence you are expecting. But there are scads of books, articles, blogposts and lectures on this. The government LIVES to keep "national security" secrets like this. It's about as obvious as anything in politics.
(72,300 posts)[img][/img]
William Seger
(11,459 posts)Last week, after the first day of the Greer's and Steve Bassett's Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club, a very woo-friendly site called High Strangeness asked: "Holy Crap, Four More Days of This??"
Their final review begins with this:
Well done, Steve Bassett and Steven Greer. I've been monitoring mainstream press coverage of your Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, and I think I can safely say that you have set the field of UFO research back about a thousand years. Maybe two thousand.
If it didn't, the Sirius movie should do it -- it totally reeks.