Related: About this forumIsrael: Where the Media Will Blindly Buy What the Ruling Authorities Dictate
A thousand reports are published about every West Bank settler who is murdered, yet Friday's killing of an innocent man evoked one big yawn. It's not terror, or apartheid, or racism or dehumanization. It's only killing a subhuman.Gideon Levy Aug 27, 2016 11:56 PM
It was late in the morning. In Israel people were completing their preparations for Shabbat. The military reporters bought challahs, the soldiers left their bases for the weekend. At the Yabrud checkpoint in the West Bank their colleagues saw a man. Actually, they didnt see a man. They saw a subhuman. They shot him as they were taught. The military reporters reported also as taught: A terrorist fired a weapon at a pillbox post in Ofra. Nobody was hurt. The force fired back and the terrorist was killed.
Routine. There is no contradiction between nobody was hurt and the terrorist was killed. Only Jews can be hurt. An update followed: The Kfir squad commander, who saw the terrorist throw a firebomb at an IDF pillbox in Silwad, shot and killed him. Nobody was hurt. Now the shooting had turned into a firebomb. A short time later, it was reported: Apparently, he was mentally unstable. A search on his body resulted with no findings. In other words, murder.
This is what Channel 10 reporter Or Heller tweeted on Friday, as did some of his colleagues, including Alon Ben-David. Heller is far from the worst of the military reporters, who recite automatically whatever the army spokesman dictates to them without attributing the quote to the spokesman, and consider themselves journalists.
There is no other coverage area in which journalists can act like that. They buy blindly, fervidly, what the ruling authorities dictate to them. The lies about what happened on Friday at the Yabrud checkpoint were spread by the IDF, of course. Afterward the IDF corrected itself, and only after that did the reporters follow suit and report: the Palestinian didnt try to attack the soldiers. Good evening and Shabbat Shalom.

Little Tich
(6,171 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)To justify everything you want to believe to be true.
(30,109 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)
(30,109 posts)He wrote not long ago that all Israelis were guilty of the Dawabsha murder. Do you agree with that? Because if so, what's wrong with assigning guilt to all Palestinians for terror attacks? Right, I didn't think you'd agree with that one knowing how racist that would be inciting violence against Palestinians.
So you know full well he's a gigantic POS and a liar like Illan Pappe. Maybe some day you'll explain this infatuation you have with BDS liars and hateful defenders of violence & terror rather than denying or deflecting from it.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)All these loaded questions...
(30,109 posts)Gideon Levy blames all Israelis (Jews) for terror, so no biggie when Kahanists blame all Palestinians....
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)publish eye witness reports from a war zone.
It's quite possible that the nun had an agenda, but not reporting her story would be contrary to the interests of the public. There's no basis whatsoever for your claim that Levy himself denies that Assad was gassing Syrians in 2013.
(30,109 posts) save the life of a settler.
That, in addition to his support for terror. I really don't get WHY you defend regressives who support terror attacks against innocent random Jews. Mondoweiss supports these attacks as well as Omar Barghouti and Ali Abunimah of BDS. Not to mention SJP, JVP, ISM, PSC, etc. I'm not sure it gets more anti-semitic than that, unless they personally participate in such attacks.
(58,724 posts)Ever since his "Israel is an evil country" article, it's been full steam ahead!
(30,109 posts)If that wasn't enough, there's this...
Gideon Levy believes that when Hamas fires rockets, when psychotics shoot or run over pregnant women or mothers of 5, blow themselves up in pizzerias or discos, throw stones at kids or stab 13 year old girls in their sleep....Levy believes that's Palestinian revenge and it's justified.
He's a sick fucking POS who wouldn't know what to do with his miserable life if there was peace in that region.
(3,967 posts)(Levy being the broken record, not the insightful Shira)
Step 1) PA/Hamas incites or organizes stabbings, bombings
Step 2) Israeli security is on alert and more suspicious of unusual activity than farmers in Iowa would be
Step 3) Wait for some poor Palestinian to behave erratically near soldier
Step 4) When Israeli soldier shoots erratically behaving Palestinian, sing to the world about the cruelty of Israel
Step 5) Wait for useful idiots to echo the story ad infinitum
One of the main effects of the Palestinian strategy of random terror attacks, i.e., by people dressed as civilians, is that Palestinians civilians who are not terrorists are more likely to be victims of mistakes like this. One might ask, are the Palestinian leaders not aware that this could harm their constituents? The answer is, they are indeed aware of this and it is a feature not a bug. This is sort of stochastic involuntary martyrdom, or better, stochastic terrorism against their own people.
Palestinian lives are cheap to the Palestinian leadership.
This kind of strategy also leads Israel, rationally, to impose greater restrictions on movement for security reasons and that is also a feature not a bug, as they - as good terrorists - want to build popular opposition to Israel. If it works, they will write their history and be the heroes of Palestinian nationalism. But it is not going to work and it just keeps the Palestinians from having a higher quality of life. It does, however, give moral narcissists of the west more fodder to criticize Israel. People who really care about Palestinians would not keep cheering those who escalate the conflict that does no good for the Palestinian people at all.
(30,109 posts)Gideon Levy would prefer that any self-defense against terror be reported as murder. After all, Levy is a vile terror supporter, becoming more desperate by the day now that many of his favorite regressive left BDS & Hamas supporting NGO's are proving to be frauds that perpetuate hate & violence.
These stupid articles are Gideon's response.