Related: About this forumWhom Do Bigots Blame for Police Shootings in America? Israel, Of Course! the past 48 hours another two black men have been lynched by the police . We must remember that many US police departments train with #IsraeliDefenceForces. The same forces behind the genocide of black people in America are behind the genocide of Palestinians. What this means is that Palestinians must stand with our black comrades. We must struggle for their liberation. It is as important as our own. #AltonSterling is as important as #AliDawabsheh. Palestinian liberation and black liberation go together. We must recognize this and commit to building for it.
Even in moments of national mourning such as these, SJP bigots cannot help but exploit the deaths of innocent Americans to further their own antisemitic political agenda, namely to delegitimize and demonize the nation state of the Jewish people.

(30,109 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)I can't decide which.
(58,724 posts)They must have some good coverage addressing the antisemitic undercurrents within the BDS movement.
(30,109 posts)I feel like I have to shower after going to Mondoweiss.
It's like Hamas HQ, but in English.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)At best intersectionality is a very vague concept, and I can also imagine that Dershy opposes all forms of feminist thought for purely personal reasons, but I'm not sure if he actually knows what intersectionality means. While I utterly despise Dershowitz, and consider everything he says and writes 100% fallacious, this OP is really weak and more like a word salad than anything else.
(2,707 posts)he's simply against the hypocrisy apologists for the Palestinians exercise when they favor a regressive and repressive society over a liberal democratic one. I don't know where you just invent that he MUST be "against feminist thought."
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: A Voice for Men, March 20, 2012
Dershowitz is popular with most liberals, but very unpopular with feminists. For one thing, he destroyed Andrea Dworkin in a debate over pornography. For another, he has mastered the art of logic better than nearly any other man alive. As such, one of his books, I think, should be required reading for anybody willing to participate in the MRM in a capacity greater than that of an observer. I picked it up three years ago and it changed my life. The name of that book is The Abuse Excuse: And other Cop-Outs, Sob Stories, and Evasions of Responsibility.
In what looks like a foreshadowing, Dershowitz also argues against expanding the definition of rape to include intoxication. He points out that, unless the drink was drugged or force-fed to the woman, it wasnt rape, because while she may not have been in her normal state of mind, she chose to drink the alcohol and is therefore responsible for whatever she did while under its influence. Sadly, it doesnt seem that Dershowitz convinced too many lawmakers.
The Abuse Excuse is the one book that, more than any other, shaped my critical thinking skills and made them as sharp as they are today. I think it should be required reading for all MRAs. If you havent yet read it, go to your local library and pick up a copy. If you cant find a copy, order one from Amazonits dirt cheap. Its a bit outdated in terms of the cases it discusses (around a fifth of the chapters are devoted to the OJ Simpson case), but all of Dershowitz ideas are every bit as applicable today as they were when he wrote them. I dont know if we can peg him fully as another Red Pill-taker, but hes definitely not part of the Blue Pill crowd.
Read more:
(30,109 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Must admit though, that my reaction was the opposite of the review.
(58,724 posts)I am merely suggesting that you find an author your respect who has written about this issue. I would assume you would find it troubling to see a statement of this sort from a group like this. Since Mondoweiss frequently writes about SJP, one would think there would be an article there commenting on this sort of thing. Or maybe you can find something from another site that you trust.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)Did you read it?
Or just see the name of the author and make unrelated cracks about him?
(30,109 posts)Dersh nailed it while you're in complete denial.
Blaming Jews for all ills in the world is straight up antisemitism.
It is not an accident that equipment frequently used by the Israeli military for (read Palestinian) crowd control, such as tear gas grenades, triple chaser gas canisters, stun grenades and LRAD (long-range acoustic devices), are now part of the US police force armamentarium. This was all exacerbated when the Pentagon and Home Land Security offered surplus military grade equipment to local law enforcement as well. While the carnage in our cities is certainly related to our own history of slavery and modern day racism and lack of gun control, and a host of societal forces, having a police force influenced and trained by an occupying military force that sees another group of brown people (Arabs) as the enemy has certainly heightened the issue. The Israelis have exported their arms, homeland security, and policing expertise to places like India, Canada, and China, but the US has as always been their best customer; the parallels between white racism and Jewish supremacy flourish here and abroad.
- See more at:
I'd be impressed if you'd do the right thing and condemn Mondoweiss for their bigotry.
Blaming Israel for this is like blaming Japan for anyone killed by a Karate move.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)especially when the US police are getting their hands on military equipment.
Do we really want the rules and equipment that are used for policing Palestinians to be used for policing American citizens?
(3,967 posts)If you don't like u.s. decisions blame u.s. leaders.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Read the OP, check the evidence.
Derpy Dersh made a dodo (again).
(30,109 posts)You replied to my #10 above already.
Did you "forget"?
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)From the MW article:
(30,109 posts)BDS has never been about anything other than Jew hate and hijacking BLM in order to attack Israel is just more proof the anti-Israel movement is racist to the core.
July 7 at 1:23pm ·
In the past 48 hours another two black men have been lynched by the police. The total number of black people lynched by cops in 2016 now totals 136. We must remember that many US police departments train with the #IsraeliDefenseForces. The same forces behind the genocide of black people in America are behind the genocide of Palestinians. What this means is that Palestinians must stand with our black comrades. We must struggle for their liberation. It is as important as our own. #AltonSterling is as important as #AliDawabsheh. Palestinian liberation and black liberation go together. We must recognize this and commit to building for it.
#BlackLivesMatter #PhilandoCastile #NoJusticeNoPeace #FromBatonRougeToGaza #PalestiniansForBlackLiberation
Is that why the ADL keeps taking US cops to Israel? So they can learn about justice and fair treatment for all?
shu-shu @Vxwxg33ZsGp6i6I Jul 7
@RaniaKhalek One world Police force so all Goy will be shot manhandled raped or what ever police feel like doing in the name of justice
California, USA
"Who better to learn from..state w/decades of experience occupying..warehousing a population..deemed disposable?"@RaniaKhalek
@RaniaKhalek @michaelterry337 It totally looks like Israeli Soldiers attacking Palestinians in the West Bank.
@RaniaKhalek : Finally said out loud. #Ferguson looks like #Gaza because the training is from #Israel. And Israel is now a #fascist state.
@RaniaKhalek Great Israel trained zombie police . . .
(38,540 posts)
(30,109 posts)This article is a tour de force showing how many years back these idiotic bigoted claims go.
As if blaming Israel and the Jews for BLM in America will solve anything at all. Fucking Morons....
This stupidity goes to show why and how certain nations of the past have historically fallen due to Jew hatred which leads bigots into making very dumb policy decisions that do absolutely nothing to address societal needs. Blaming Jews for BLM will do zero for race relations in the USA. Talk about Jew hatred rotting the's deja-vu all over again.