Related: About this forumCanadian Green Party sponsors resolutions targeting Israel
Members of the Green Party sponsored two resolutions last month that target Israel: one urging the Canada Revenue Agency to revoke the JNFs charitable status and another to support BDS in Israeli sectors that allegedly profit from occupied Palestinian territories.
Given the glut of environmental and human crises the world faces, it strikes us as absurd and inappropriate for Green Party members to negatively single out Israel or Israel-related matters as the primary subject for attention, said Josh Cooper, CEO of JNF Canada. Theyre allowing an obsession with Israel to distract them from the Green Partys valid environmental priorities.
More proof this isn't about "but the US supports it" given how this hate comes from all over the world.

Little Tich
(6,171 posts)land for Jewish use.
I'm against racism and discrimination, so for me, what they do is really horrible. The Canadian Greens are doing the right thing - stealing land shouldn't be considered a charity. While it's true that some of the JNF land was purchased legally, most of it is stolen Palestinian land:
Jewish National Fund
Source: Wikipedia
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The historical context of the Israeli land and planning law regime
Source: Mondoweiss, March 6, 2013
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(58,724 posts)Quite a one-two punch.
Your Wikipedia/Mondoweiss inspired comments about the Jewish National Fund are preposterous.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)One day, the stolen land will be returned to its owners.
(30,109 posts)But it's been proven conclusively and without any reasonable doubt - over and over and over again - that BDS and its supporters are racists who support genocidal Hamas psychotics.
Here's the overwhelming proof...
Meanwhile, you're never able to prove your allegations.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)...of stealing land?
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Nah - I'll still go with that the land was stolen from its Palestinian owners and redistributed to Jews.
(30,109 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)of the JNF to be distributed to Jews.
Unless, of course, you think that Palestinians can't actually own land, and that it's OK to take it from them to redistribute to Jews. I want to remind you that in Mandatory Palestine, there was land owned by Jews and land owned by Palestinians, and that there was no legal difference between the two groups as in how their land was owned.
(26,060 posts)to see this has nothing to with the Green Parties stated mission. In fact, it craps all over it.
(2,707 posts)Tho seriously, it makes a mockery of all things progressive.
(26,060 posts)they've made fools of themselves and their mission.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: Times of Israel
The leader of Canadas Green Party is torn over two Israel-related resolutions to be debated at the partys convention next month.
One resolution to be reviewed by party members meeting in Ottawa in August would endorse the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. The second calls on the party to pursue revoking the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund of Canada.
Regarding the two measures, I am honestly torn, party leader Elizabeth May wrote earlier this month in aletter to the Victoria Times-Colonist newspaper.
I, along with all Greens, denounce anti-Semitism in all its forms, May wrote. I support unequivocally the right of the State of Israel to exist. I also have deep sympathies with the plight of the Palestinian people, and I find the illegal expansion of settlements on the West Bank deeply concerning.
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(2,707 posts)last I checked, Israel's environmental record is better than every Muslim country on the planet.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)ericson00
(2,707 posts)its merely a way of saying "we don't like the American foreign policy order" for many of its adherents.
(3,392 posts)Green on the outside; Red on the inside. As with most Leftist (not Liberal or Democratic) organizations, their nominal cause is an excuse to bash the existing order. That includes kneeling at the anti-Israel altar.