Related: About this forumThe Palestinian Incentive Program for Killing Jews has come to light this week after a Palestinian, Mohammed Tarayra, stabbed Hallel Yaffa Ariel, a 13-year-old Israeli girl, as she was sleeping in her bed. The stabbing was part of a wave of attacks by Palestinians who have for nearly eight months been shooting, stabbing and running down Jews with the encouragement of social media and popular songs.

(12,256 posts)MFM008
(20,036 posts)With religious conservative settlers killing Palestinians,
killing over 1000 civilians in the last operation, total destruction of Gaza,
not allowing them to travel or rebuild , carts with riders and donkeys being run over by settlers,
kids purposely run over,
destruction of family homes.
Come on lets be fair,
this is no one way street.
Israel will never sleep safely until she
stops settlements, arrests their own agitators and allows discussions about a separate state.
(38,540 posts)
(36,174 posts)The firebombing which murdered a baby and both his parents? The teenager who was abducted, beaten, then burnt alive? The poster yr replying to has it right in that there's horrific violence on both sides. I noticed the author of the OP hasn't written a word on any of those murders, which is par for the course for chunks of the US media.
The way to put a stop to this violence is for the Israeli government to forcibly move the settlers back to Israel from Hebron in particular, and if the PA is paying anyone as a reward rather than a reasonable govt payment (eg pensions), then that needs to stop to.
(2,707 posts)for that horrendous act and put members of it on trial and in jail.
The Palestinian Authority rewards terrorism. No comparison.
(20,036 posts)or the IDF and the actions the international community say were war crimes?
(36,174 posts)The Israel government knows who did it, had those involved arrested, imposed a gag order on the investigation, and then let those involved go free.
The Israeli government protects extremists in the West Bank, and in doing so encourages them. So, yes. There is a comparison whether you like it or not...
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)....just like this episode with the 13 year old girl.
OTOH the BDS crowd, its advocates & supporters aren't bothered in the least by this latest murder of an Israeli child. They're all giving excuses....occupation, Israel's actions. No outrage whatsoever with the PA paying salaries to terrorists and their families. No outrage at Abbas' poisoning the wells incitement or his aide who just called for slitting the throats of Israelis. All we see is deflection....that Israel is to blame as well. It's pathetic and you know it.
If only it were that easy. Israel completely removed itself from Gaza and got more violence in return. In fact, this violence against Jews goes back to the 1920's well before there was a state of Israel, an occupation, or settlements. So how do you reckon this violence will stop if Israel just......?
(36,174 posts)And let's not forget the death threats and conspiracy theories that were floating round...
When it comes to what I was talking about, which was that with all three of those horrific murders involving children, this one has produced far more outrage than the other two. The author of the OP is just one example. Silence from them for the murders of the Palestinians, but no such silence in this most recent murder. The same thing is evident here. While I saw some condemnation of the murderers and one or two correctly pegging them as terrorists, the response was reasonably muted. But to others it was like those murders hadn't happened or weren't worth getting outraged about. It's like some try to pretend that it's only one side that has sickos who carry out horrific attacks, when the reality is it's both....
(30,109 posts)I wouldn't judge all Israelis based on 1-2% of horribly vile bigots.
(30,109 posts)MFM008
(20,036 posts)but you didnt address any of the other things I noted.
(4,713 posts)fucking hypocrites have no ability to see the cause and effect of stealing everything from people & wondering why they are being attacked.
No it has nothing to do your them being Jewish, it has to do with your forcibily stealing & destroying ones livelihood then giving them the finger.
Response to giftedgirl77 (Reply #7)
6chars This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,713 posts)Response to giftedgirl77 (Reply #9)
Post removed
(3,967 posts)I do hate terrorists, no apologies.
(4,713 posts)a government steal everything from them, then move ppl onto their property & tell them tough shit. Sounds like terroristic behavior to most ppl.
Response to giftedgirl77 (Reply #15)
Post removed
(5,591 posts)
(14,851 posts)Smashing a baby against a rock.
Killing 49 LGBTQ family in a club.
Suicide bombing Istanbul airport,
Killing Jews in a market in Tel AVIV
Mostly in the past 2 -4 weeks
(4,713 posts)What exactly makes stealing someone's land, razing their property & then moving ppl from another country onto it an acceptable act?
(14,851 posts)Do you know all land is bought and paid for by Jews ?
Do you know the penalty for selling land to a Jew is death ?
Death !! For selling your own property to a Jew - that's acceptable?
Do you know what happens to you if you're born Gay in the Palestinian statelet called Gaza ?
Do you know recently in the Palestinian statelet called Gaza , the government recently killed / murdered one of their own commanders for the crime of being Gay.
(4,713 posts)entire livilhood but you still manage to make the Jews the poor victims. Fuck that noise, there are consequences for one's actions & the Muslims or Arabs aren't the ones at fault. I know it's hard to accept but sometimes the Israeli's can actually be the perpetrators as in this case.
We are taking about the land grabbing going on in the West Bank, that's it. There is no trying to make execuses for that shit. Ever.
(14,851 posts)Killing children
Killing innocent people
Killing Gays
Killing Jews
(4,713 posts)the PAs, using a bullshit excuse of terrorism. This time steaming from a murder that occurred when Israel had illegally stolen everything from the PAs claimed the land ad their own and then claim victmhood status as soon ad there are repercussions.
If you don't consider that not only a blatant act of terrorism but also an act of war then it's only because of your blatant bias to Israel.
(14,851 posts)Not just a murder.
A vermin scum child killer.
(14,851 posts)Are you for real ?
What do you mean by "the Jews "?
(4,713 posts)for by the Jews, the Jews this the Jews that. I never said anything about the Jewish ppl until you decided they were somehow elevated to perpetual victim.
This entire situation lays at the feet of lsrael. Not the Jews, Israel. If they want to play land grabbing, property stealing, money bordering thieves than they will deserve all the bad Karma that will come their way.
Response to giftedgirl77 (Reply #29)
King_David This message was self-deleted by its author.
(30,109 posts)...and therefore "payback" in the form of terror is justified. Like arguing that native Americans cannot live on some part of land in the Americas and that if they're attacked for being thieves, they sorta had it coming.
Beyond disgusting.
(14,851 posts)In the USA who stole land from who when ?
Jews stole nothing they paid for land that was previously stolen from us.
Careful with your Jews stealing money stereotypes please - you're really on the edge here with borderline posts.