Related: About this forumQuartet Releases Report on Impasse in Israeli-Palestinian Peace: 'Two-state Solution in Danger'
Source: Haaretz
The report says Palestinians must act against terrorism, while Israel must stop settlement construction.
The foreign ministers of the Quartet on the Middle East the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations asserted in a report released on Friday afternoon that the current track taken by the Israelis and Palestinians has distanced the possibility of a two-state solution, creating a situation in which a one-state reality has taken root.
The report calls on the Palestinian Authority to stop incitement, step up efforts to stop terrorism and condemn attacks against Israelis. It calls on Israel to stop settlement construction and put a stop to the gradual takeover of Area C in the West Bank.
Members of the Quartet decided to compile the report during a foreign ministers' meeting in February. The decision was taken against the backdrop of the French peace bid, with the Quartet seeking to stop France from taking over the Israeli-Palestinian issue in the international arena. However, the two parallel initiatives grew more coordinated and complementary in recent weeks.
The report was written by senior diplomats representing the members of the Quartet the American special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, Frank Lowenstein, European envoy Fernando Gentilini, United Nations envoy Nikolai Mladenov and Russian envoy Sergey Vershinin.
Read more:
Note: Full text of Quartet report included in article at link.

(20,036 posts)It may have a better chance once Netenyahu and his government is gone.
(30,109 posts)Last edited Sat Jul 2, 2016, 10:27 AM - Edit history (2)
Never once condemning it, but praising his speech. The same EU that funds PA/PLO stipends to terrorists.
They're part of the problem, not the solution - and they have some nerve dictating terms of "peace" to Israel.
They can go to hell.