Related: About this forumWhy the anti-Israel boycott movement is an immoral threat to peace
BDS is at once immoral and a threat to peace. Immoral, because it perpetuates the lie that Israel is solely or even primarily to blame for the absence of a Palestinian state rather than the repeated rejection by Palestinian leaders of peace plans presented over the decades. Immoral, too, because it ignores the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate education on which generations of Palestinians have been raised, an education that denies any place for a Jewish state in any borders.
The BDS movement not only places the entire onus for the conflict on Israel, it is counter-productive. The primary beneficiary of the attempt to turn Israel into a pariah state is the Israeli hard right. Far-right politicians have long argued that the world hates the Jewish state not because of what it does but because of what it is and therefore Israel should dispense with the niceties of democratic norms in its war against Palestinian terrorism, end the illusion of a negotiated agreement and stake its maximalist claim to the entirety of its ancient homeland. In intensifying the Israeli publics sense of siege and despair, while encouraging Palestinian intransigence, the international movement to isolate and punish Israel undermines a two-state solution.
Like a majority of Israelis, I recognize that the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian people is a long-term threat to my countrys well-being. The occupation challenges the integrity of Israeli democracy and threatens its Jewish majority, which is demographically essential for maintaining the only corner of the planet where Jews are sovereign. For these reasons, a majority of Israelis, according to polls, supports a two-state solution.
But that same majority of moderate Israelis is deeply wary of the ultimate goal of the Palestinian leadership both the nationalist Fatah party and the Islamist militant group Hamas. As the Palestinian media broadcast on a daily basis, the goal isnt two states living in peace but a single Arab-majority state in which Jews would be at best a tolerated minority. And given the fate of minorities throughout the Middle East today, the likely scenario is far more nightmarish.

Response to shira (Original post)
shira This message was self-deleted by its author.
(15,805 posts)There's no objective discussion about the military occupation, retaliation, and the embargo of Palestine, or the segregation of economic, academic, humanitarian and business efforts. There's also no mention of Israel's appropriation of lands, water and other natural resources, and agricultural areas.
The author puts forth the absurd rationalization that Israel cannot possible be labeled "illegitimate colonialist state" because history put them in the area... along with many Arab peoples, so by that logic, the people of Palestine have the right to a similar entitlement.
Curiously, this lopsided pean to state sponsored discrimination and injustice, claims that "BDS has failed", but they can only point to "investments" to justify that claim. Evidently BDS is having a significant impact in every other aspect, enough to prompt this hastily writ denial in an effort to squelch the loud condemnation coming from the far more punitive court of public opinion.
(30,109 posts)The author mentioned that the Palestinians (with the blessing of their western BDS friends) have rejected peace and a Palestinian state on multiple occasions, hence the occupation, embargo... which I'm sure you prefer to the Palestinians' own state, otherwise you'd blame the Palestinians too for rejecting each and every offer for peace and their own state going back before 1948. So yeah, it's the BDS'ers who prefer continued occupation, a Palestinian state of their own. Because they're against the existence of Israel.
The claim that Israel is an illegitimate colonialist state is absurd given the Jewish people are indigenous to that land going back several thousand years. And of course Palestinians have a similar entitlement, hence 2 states which you're against if you're for BDS. Being for BDS, you support Palestinian self-determination while being against the same for Jews. Totally immoral, especially given the fact Jews couldn't live under Palestinian rule.
The impact BDS is having is the upsurge in antisemitism worldwide. It's no coincidence there has been a spike in antisemitism worldwide over the past decade while BDS has gained popularity. The attempt (and success) of poisoning the minds of the next generation of western leaders with Jew hatred and animosity towards the existence of Israel is the impact of BDS. That hatred should be fought vehemently. That is BDS.
To repeat, BDS is "immoral because it ignores the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate education on which generations of Palestinians have been raised, an education that denies any place for a Jewish state in any borders. " The immoral BDS crowd ignores or attempts to minimize all that because they support hate and incitement. They are part of that hate. That's BDS. Own it.
(15,805 posts)There is nothing wrong with opposing the Israeli government's policies of injustice and discrimination, so just stop ladeling out the syrupy "Jew hatred" religious guilt trip crapola. The US holds itself out as an honest broker for human rights, and from that aspect alone, the US is obligated to criticise the state Israel for perpetuating their non-productive ethnic war against the trapped people of Palestine and the outright theft of their lands and properties.
Our country has always disapproved of specific policies from many foreign countries, and to be sure, some are foes and opponents, but most of them are our friends, allies and trading partners. Those economic, diplomatic and cultural agreements do not preclude our strong opposition to the things they do that we oppose. Why would it be in our best interests to allow special carve outs for the militant policies of Israel when we are criticising other friendly countries for their egregious behaviors?
Don't start crying fake crocodile tears over Palestine's rejection of those ridiculous "peace" offers Israel pretends to be just and fair solutions. They were not, and no country in their right mind would agree to the crushing terms Israel tried to foist off on the Palestinians so they could essentially get to keep their cake and eat it too.
You think it's wrong to criticize Israel, redefining opposition as anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate. Recall, if you will, much the same propaganda tactics was used by the Bush Administration when they confabulated criticisms of their war polices to hatred for US troops... see how that works, yeah?
While you're lauding Israel's militancy, BDS keeps growing and no amount of name calling is going to change that. Here's the thing, more people around the world are becoming immune to the same old Israeli stratagems of crying guilt and victimhood on one hand, whilst pounding their neighbors into oblivion with the other. Even the US is making some progress in slipping off the yoke of Israel's state sponsored guilt trip.
(30,109 posts)We all know what BDS is about:
a) Demonization & incitement, not mere criticism of Israel. I can find criticism of Israeli policy in every single Israeli newspaper. We're not talking about mere criticism, but you already knew that. So cut out the BS about your opponents being against all criticism of Israel.
b) BDS is about 1-state, full right of return, destruction of Israel - misery & death for Jews under Hamas/PLO control. Anyone objective and honest knows that. The mere fact that no BDS'ers ever condemn Palestinian hate incitement & terror against Israeli innocents (let alone Hamas brutality against Gazans, Palestinian kids) goes to show that BDS isn't about human rights. It's a hate movement bent on destroying Israel and making life miserable for Jews. It's certainly not about making life better for Palestinians. But you already knew that.
You mentioned US involvement, but the US was behind the 2001 Clinton Parameters which the Palestinians rejected.
Olmert's 2008 offer was even better than the Clinton Parameters. That too was rejected.
The 1947 Partition Plan was even better than those & yet the Palestinians rejected it. Why? You damned well know why and I challenge you to admit why they rejected partition. Can you do that?
(15,805 posts)This thread is about boycotting. You've launched a new tract, tossing around this raison d'etat to justify the decades of Israel's pointless wars, but let me bring the discussion back to the topic.
Criticism at a state level is different from the concerted actions of independent consumers, BDS activist groups and academic efforts. Israel freely uses money, religion and guilt to manipulate public opinion in America. Their influence affects US politicians, and pro-Israeli voters and lobbyists pour vast sums of money into their coffers that buy favorable policies that benefit Israel. The corrupting influence of money has an enormous impact on our government policies both in domestic and foreign policies, and we continue to shower Israel with military favors and money. That practice is not necessarily in our own best interests. While our govt is enriching a foreign state, it does not demand any different outcome, there is no call to expedite any change or produce any solution... the dole just goes on and on without end.
The one area that Israel cannot bribe, guilt or influence, is the millions of independent consumers from all around the world who have decided they will not purchase products from Israel as a simple means of protesting Israel's decades old, never ending occupation and the discrimination and subjugation of an entire population. The fact the Israel had to lean on the US gov't, and some states as well, for relief from the impact of BDS consumers, is proof of how effective this grassroots tactic is.
(30,109 posts)...and violence against Jews. That's the issue, not boycotts. It's about rising attacks on Jews worldwide and making life unsafe for the world's Jews. Like the OP title states, it's an immoral threat to peace. There's nothing that BDS advocates that will lead to peace. In fact, BDS recommendations would lead to more war and conflict, more bloodshed.
Show me evidence the boycotts are working. Show me how they've significantly impacted Israel. I'm arguing they haven't done shit and since the BDS movement began, Israel is stronger in every respect now than they were then. Given that fact, the reason for resistance against BDS is as I just wrote above. It isn't about boycotts.
I challenged you to give a reason WHY the Palestinians have rejected every peace offer - in particular the 1947 partition plan. You want to blame Israel 100% as though it's Israel holding up progress. I just want you to acknowledge the reason the conflict persists and it goes back to decades before 1948 with Palestinian attacks on Jews. They want Israel ended, all Jews gone or dead. THAT is the conflict.
That you can't show any evidence otherwise goes to show how immoral BDS is. And THAT is what the OP is about. It's common knowledge that BDS'ers don't give a crap about terror attacks on Jews. They support "resistance" and the "freedom fighters" who slash 13 year old girls in their beds at night. I never see BDS'ers horrified or bothered much by that. Ever. All I see are excuses.
That's what the OP is about.
Let's not pretend it's about being against mere criticism or that Israel benefits from American aid with nothing in return for the USA. All aid to Israel goes back to the USA as Israel is required to buy US military products with that money, which translates to jobs. Personally, I'm against US aid to Israel as I believe that limits the Israeli economy in which they can make what they buy from America AND export it to other countries, which they cannot do right now. But beyond that, if Israel was gone tomorrow the US would have to send 10's of thousands of troops and several aircraft carriers into that region - meaning BILLIONS of dollars a year and American lives lost. Is that what you really want?
(15,805 posts)Israel has been crying wolf for 70 years and benefited quite handsomely from US policies and the endless largess of the American taxpayer. But eventually the well runs dry and the world moves on, and not surprisingly, the next generation doesn't seem to be so easily persuaded.
I'll keep poking along with my BDS efforts, thank you, and since you're convinced that the boycott has no deleterious impact, all this bitter animosity toward consumers is apparently unnecessary. If its not working, be happy and just ignore us.
(5,737 posts)That distinction goes to most of Africa. The human devastation and suffering there dwarfs that of the Middle East.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)I challenged you previously to describe how BDS would create peace, support human rights, etc...
You had nothing in response.