Related: About this forum200 former senior security officials present plan to end impasse
IDF generals and Mossad, Shin Bet, and police equivalents call for freeze on settlement building, acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative, and recognition that East Jerusalem should be a part of a future Palestinian state; the former security officials also urge the completion of the security fence.Associated Press
Published: 05.28.16, 09:26 / Israel News
A group of more than 200 military and intelligence officials criticized the government for a lack of action in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Friday and issued a detailed plan they say can end the impasse.
The report's publication closely follows the appointment of Yisrael Beytenu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman as defense minister.
With peace talks in a deep freeze the plan by Commanders for Israel's Security on Friday called to "preserve conditions" for negotiations with the Palestinians. It urges a combination of political and security initiatives together with delivering economic benefits to Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem simultaneously.
It calls for a freeze on settlement building, the acceptance in principle of the Arab Peace Initiative and the recognition that East Jerusalem should be part of a future Palestinian state "when established as part of a future agreement."
The group's chairman, Amnon Reshef, a former IDF general, said the plan "refutes the fear mongers" who claim there is currently no Palestinian peace partner or that conditions are not right for negotiations. He said such an argument, which is common in Israel after years of conflict and failed talks, "should not serve as an excuse for passivity and inaction."
Reshef warned "the current status quo is an illusion" that endangers a two-state solution to the conflict.,7340,L-4808802,00.html
Yes !!!
Lesson to Bibi ........never a good idea to piss off the Army top brass , they can bite back

Bad Dog
(2,028 posts)It's about time for some pragmatism. Will it affect Netanyahu though? He seems to be moving further right with each passing day, and the settlers are key to his remaining in power.
(4,347 posts)....not much he can do about it tho ....'Breaking the Silence' group he can try to demolish , he wont succeed with that either , but this group will just laugh straight into his face .
BTW ...its not just the settlers , its the religious right wing in general .
Bad Dog
(2,028 posts)He seems to have weathered the storm of a less than enthusiastic Obama, and inviting Austria's far right leader over for a cosy chat doesn't seem to have damaged him.
(4,347 posts) elections are a long way away and now with Lieberman he has strengthened his fragile coalition . .... but ....anything can happen between then and now .
Ever since the soldier shot dead the Palestinian in Hebron Bibi has made one wrong move after another ....turning against IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen.Yair Golan was his biggest yet .
Golan has a huge following over here .
Best bet is to have patience and just sit back and watch ......
Bad Dog
(2,028 posts)And I accept you know more about the situation than I, but Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland sees it as Netanyahu riding a tide of popular opinion.
The first clash came when an Israeli army medic shot dead a Palestinian who had attacked a group of soldiers with a knife as he lay injured on the ground, posing no threat. Yaalon led the military brass in denouncing the medic for his lethal indiscipline, for acting out of revenge. Bibi did too at first. But then he saw that Israeli public opinion was rallying behind the soldier, so he switched sides, even telephoning the killers father to demonstrate his sympathy. Yaalon was appalled. Yaalon is no peacenik. But he holds to a military ethos that believes might has to be constrained by the rule of law.
Then, a fortnight ago, the deputy chief of staff of the Israeli military, Yair Golan, spoke at a Holocaust Remembrance Day event and lamented what he felt were alarming resonances between the intolerance and fear-mongering visible in contemporary Israel, and the Germany of the 1930s. Golan was widely condemned, including by Netanyahu. Doubtless Yaalon disagreed with Golans sentiments vehemently. But he defended the generals right to speak out, believing that this too is an essential part of the duty of a soldier in a democracy: to voice the misgivings of his conscience.
(4,347 posts)A tide of right wing popular opinion Bad Dog.......come on , seriously , when Bush was in power were all Americans in agreement with him ???
One day the tables will turn for us too .....we need our own Obama , we had one once ....Bibi was part and parcel of Rabin's assassination , those of us on the Left have long memories ...he is not loved by all or even by most ....and he knows it .
Bad Dog
(2,028 posts)I'm not American, but I do know he won a second term following an illegal war. It seems that Israel has moved further to the right since Rabin's assassination. I appreciate that left wingers do have long memories, but since the assassination you've had your population changed with the influx of a bunch of right wing Russians.
One would have thought alienating Obama would have been a vote loser, but Netanyahu seems to have done quite well out of it.
(4,347 posts)I just took it for granted you were American .....where are you from ?
For sure we have moved further to the right since Rabin's assassination.....thats not to say we cant move the other way again ......probably more Centrist than Leftist but anything would be better than this bunch of racist fascists that we have now .
Not all Russians are right wing .......not all Russians are like Lieberman .
The biggest population/political changer was the influx of right wing religious Americans after the six day war .........and they keep on coming .
" One would have thought alienating Obama would have been a vote loser, but Netanyahu seems to have done quite well out of it. "
Of course he did ....our religious right wing hate Obama , Bibi panders to them constantly .
If he didnt he wouldnt last long .....thus the change of heart with the soldier in the Hebron shooting .
Bad Dog
(2,028 posts)It's an easy mistake to make, and one I've made myself. I'm English. Like you we could do with a swing to the left, although if Cameron can fuck a dead pig and get away with it, it's hard to see what could get him kicked out.
(4,347 posts).......not really up on your politics but I wish you all the best with your wish for a swing to the left.
Cameron did what ???? !!!!!
Bad Dog
(2,028 posts)Including me, those posh types get up to all sorts.
The town of Lewes commemorated the event on bonfire night.
Response to Israeli (Reply #10)
Mosby This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,347 posts)......
" They and the Mizrahi parties (shas, likud) form the right wing core. "
Any reason you missed out....
Naftali Bennett's The Jewish Home party or Yaakov Litzman's United Torah Judaism ???
You know what I take from your post .... a) that you are Ashkenazi and b) you dont like it that " " Russian "Jews" are not really Jewish. " what Mosby ???
They live here , pay their taxes serve in the Army everyone else ....only the religious and traditionalists give a damn whether they are Jewish or not .
Also you are wrong ....the second generation of Russian voters have moved away from their parents politics ....many young Russians have moved to the Center and some even to the left .
Response to Israeli (Reply #23)
Mosby This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,347 posts)....because I never said " that the second generation of russians are moving to the left ".
I said ...." many young Russians have moved to the Center and some even to the left ."
You got involved responding to my post #10 , which was :
" Not all Russians are right wing .......not all Russians are like Lieberman . "
You have a problem with that ???
" Are you aware that there are extreme RW skinheads in Israel now? Guess where they came from? I'll give you a hint, it's not New York. "
I'm aware Mosby sure you dont want to insinuate again that I am not Israeli ???
Actually the second generation are integrating very well into Israeli society......the same with the Ethiopians ....takes time Mosby .
(58,724 posts)I don't understand it.
Response to oberliner (Reply #27)
Post removed
(4,347 posts)
Seriously want to know why ?
Because since the day I joined this group you , KD and Mosby have insinuated that I am not Israeli ......or if I am Israeli then I am not Jewish .....which makes me either Arab or Russian.
I'm neither oberliner.........I'm second generation Sabra with fourth generation grandchildren .
When you guys stop being "snarky" with me .....I might just stop being "snarky" right back at you .....what goes around comes around oberliner.
(14,851 posts)Almost all of them in this thread.
Is someone using your account?
(4,347 posts)....but ...
......your need for attention seeking is seriously breaking all bounds .
(25,699 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)This all seems totally reasonable.
(3,967 posts)no, this is pretty much what a lot of pro-Israel people think. I part ways with those who think that if Israel does not do all these things, i.e., if it adds apartments somewhere, it is fine for terrorists to kill Jews, Hamas to fire rockets at Jews, the UN to pass resolutions saying Israel commits genocide, that kind of thing.
(3,392 posts)as opposed to the stand of Leftists who want to impose right of return and thereby make Israel disappear. I wonder what the report says about dealing with right of return as the Saudi Plan is vague.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)This is definitely a positive development.
(4,347 posts).....not a hope in hell Little Tich.
BTW ....did you notice the sting in the tail ???

Little Tich
(6,171 posts)security officials?
Yeah, I saw that part about East Jerusalem - it should indicate that the plan is serious, and that the Arab league finally has a potential counterpart to negotiate peace with. I just don't know what it would take for the plan to go from a non-sanctioned initiative to an actual peace proposal.
(3,392 posts)His name is Amnon Reshef. He commanded the 14th Armored Brigade in the Sinai during the 1973 war.
(45,850 posts)wish to destroy Israel with
(3,392 posts)Maybe it calls for some things that Leftists demand, but not things that most DUers would say will destroy Israel. And it doesn't call for right of return, which the one thing that Leftists want that will destroy the Jewish state. But you knew all that already.
(14,851 posts)Pelease.
(4,347 posts)
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)But I applaud them for trying.
(4,347 posts)................what do you base it on ?
Now if you had said .." there's no way that that this Israeli government would ever buy into this "........I would agree with you .
Your tarring us all with the same brush .
Which Israeli public ?
We dont count ???????...........
In Tel Aviv, thousands protest Israels fascist incoming defense minister
2,000 demonstrate against appointment of Liberman; Joint List chairman says only a joint Jewish-Arab effort will topple Netanyahu government
An estimated 2,000 people poured into central Tel Aviv on Saturday night to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus pick of Yisrael Beytenu head Avigdor Liberman as Israels new defense minister in last weeks coalition shakeup.
Carrying Palestinian and Israeli flags, protesters marched towards the Tel Aviv Likud party headquarters on King George street chanting: Liberman [is a] racist and a fascist, and Liberman is the minister of war.
Protesters waved banners denouncing extremism, racism, and violence in Israel, as well as signs proclaiming Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies and Israel, Palestine, two states for two peoples.
The rally, organized by the Joint (Arab) List, the left-wing Meretz party, and the left-wing Peace Now organization, was held under the headline Building the opposition: A new way for Israel.
Citing police estimates, Hebrew media reports put the number of demonstrators at around 2,000.
The marchers were joined by leftist members of the Knesset, including Meretz leader Zehava Galon and Joint List chairman Ayman Odeh.
Its exciting to see thousands of Jews and Arabs coming together to tell the Netanyahu government that Liberman, its defense minister, is illegitimate, Galon told the Maariv news website during the march.
The most racist and corrupt man received the portfolio from Netanyahu for his own political survival. Now were telling him: Enough, get the hell out,' she said.
We believe that only a joint Jewish-Arab effort can beat this, Odeh said. We reject the assumption that all Jews hate Arabs and all Arabs hate Jews. This struggle against racism must be shared one.
Pointing to nationalist trends, Odeh said his Joint List is setting up the democratic camp.
Liberman wants to damage civil society, the Supreme Court, the [left-wing organization] Breaking the Silence, and specifically the Arab sector.
We are together in this, Jews and Arabs, and we will overcome him, Odeh said. We will present a real alternative that will be able to topple this right-wing government.
Source :
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)up to this.
There are a great many progressive, principled people in Israel--such as yourself.
Just not enough.