Related: About this forumSanders wins greater say in Democratic platform; names pro-Palestinian activist NO! This is an insult to the majority/plurality of Democrats who stand with Israel:

And an insult to the Jewish voters who have been an integral part of the party for decades (and most Jews are not voting Sanders nor agree with him on Israel/Palestinians).
Zogby is a BDS-supporter.
Until Zogby is off or confirmed to not touch Israel/Palestinians, I'm giving the party no money/
Not to mention, Bernie put Cornel West, a BDSer on it too...

(44,173 posts)nt
(2,707 posts)now are on the brink of becoming major players in a major political party.
(114,904 posts)ericson00
(2,707 posts)will help see to it that no anti-Israel language gets put into the platform. Zogby's place on the committee will sooner or later be called into question.
(30,109 posts)Apparently, Noam Chomsky was unavailable.
It's this kind of bullshit that will get Trump elected.
(2,707 posts)and against Trump, they coulda done so easily!
The GOP is going to have a field day with Cornel West quotes running on adverts!
(30,109 posts)Hillary is the only candidate out of those 3 with appeal to moderates & common sense.
Too many DU'ers here don't give a rip know...DEMOCRATS winning the election. I'm convinced they'd rather see Trump than Hillary, sit out this election, let Trump win and then brag that they were right: Sanders would've beaten Trump!
(114,904 posts)And why on earth would his seat be cal l ed into question? He hasn't said anything untoward. He's advocated peacefully. His offence in your eyes, appears to be that he is an Arab-American
(2,707 posts)see Zogby's support here;
(30,109 posts)Sanders has called BDS a bigoted movement.
Obama has said anti-Zionists are antisemites, and all BDS'ers are anti-Zionists.
(26,060 posts)Could you even name the people who were on the platform committee last time around? The job simply is not that important. I don't like West (asshole just HATES Pres Obama for some perceived personal slight) but whatever. The two of them are going to be outvoted on any of the issues I think you care about and no more Democrats will know who they are than do right now (insignificant).
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Last edited Mon May 23, 2016, 11:25 PM - Edit history (1)
It's the same thing with the 40% of those horrible "Liberal Democrats" who dare to support the Palestinians:
That would solve the problem - no more Bernie Sanders, Cornel West or James Zogby...
(2,707 posts)The Gallup poll has Democrats overall with Israel 53-23...the only place I see 23% is on Gallups P side.
And quite frankly, condoning terror against Israel is something I would like to see both parties do without. As Hillary said, the anti-Israel prop fed to college kids needs to end, to start.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)I'm confused.
(2,707 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)ericson00
(2,707 posts)before it does to the party what's happened to the British Labour Party, and alienate pivotal Jewish voters, not to mention the vast American pro-Israel mainstream.
I am 100% for abortion rights, marriage equality, and the environment, which is why I'm a Democrat in the first place. I've been one since I was a teen during Bush v. Kerry, and in fact, I remained one when I could vote because I saw the contrast between Clinton's Democratic competence/success vs. Bush's Republican failure.
But my people's safety, the Jewish people, must come first, and the delegitimization, and obsessive demonization and double standards against their state must end. Also, our votes must not be taken for granted by a party we are, quite frankly, the fundraising backbone for. And a rare group with a longer D-voting record than AAs, and nearly as high a number. Gratitude/appreciation matters.
Palestinian terrorists have been offered a state on numerous occasions (even before 1948; see Peel Commission, and even before 1988, see Alon Plan), and have blown up and hijacked planes, murdered Olympians, killed cruise ship passengers (Achille Lauro), and blown themselves up across the world; yet unlike any other group, they get away with it! No one else would be rewarded so handsomely for it!
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Shouldn't their POW be reflected in the Democratic platform?
(2,707 posts)which means a resounding NO!
Especially if you wanna alienate the broader electorate needed to win 270 electoral votes, unless an isolationist/protectionist NRA/climate-change denying guy like Trump is fine by you.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Democratic Party if it doesn't conform with liberal Democratic values.
Just saying...
(2,707 posts)of the war against Islamist terror, then single-issue or big-issue Palestine voters staying home could easily be traded for moderates who want a President and party that doesn't say things that appear to apologize for terror.
Also, if supporting a authoritarian/theocratic and illiberal society like the Palestinian one instead of a liberal Democratic Jewish one because of crud cooked up by "post-colonial" ivory tower garbage, means that much to the kind of people who would stay home over it, then they're useless voters who have no biz in the electorate. They should go find a safe space.
(26,060 posts)for Israel ARE part of the Democratic party - maybe because they allow votes to be held, don't kill their gays, are strong believers in women's rights. You simply refuse to admit what's right in front of your face even though polls bear it out every single time.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)I suppose they're just a bunch of Bernie loving commies...
(26,060 posts)Just outnumbered. You're entitled to believe whatever you wish - that's what actual freedom is all about. It would be nice if the Palestinians got that chance under their corrupt and terrorist leaders.
(5,591 posts)
(2,707 posts)Obama a n-word-ized POTUS, his BDS support (Hillary is a strong opponent of BDS), and Zogby's apparently a supporter of BDS too, the party and the pro-I grassroots will act.
I wish we could expel BDSers from the party.
(30,109 posts)
As Hillary Clinton looks all but guaranteed to defeat Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sanders supporters are reportedly torn over whether to support the former Secretary of State or flee the country and join ISIS, calling both options equally awful.
On the one hand, leaving my family and traveling to Syria to live in the desert and behead innocent people seems really unappealing, said one Sanders supporter. But voting for Hillary? Now thats just fucking torture.
Clinton had hoped to unite her party after a bitter primary, but many have refused to commit to voting for the former First Lady even in a general election against Republican Donald Trump. But for some Sanders fans, voting for Trump, a former friend and supporter of Clinton, was also a non-starter.
Listen, I dont like ISIS, but at least we know that theyd be opposed to Hillary, another Sanders supporter noted. Hillary didnt go to [ISIS Leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadis wedding. To be honest, the only way I can keep posting anti-Hillary memes after the party conventions are over is if I join the Caliphate and try to stop Hillary by destroying the West.
Responding to these statements, Clinton said she was willing to support ISIS if thats what it takes to win over these voters.
I really dont care what it takes to make all of this end, a frustrated Clinton told The Mideast Beast. I just want to be president already.
(114,904 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)cali
(114,904 posts)constantly post is repugnant.
(30,109 posts)King_David
(14,851 posts)I don't think anyone who believes Cornel West belongs anywhere near the Democratic Party belongs here.
I don't believe anyone accepting LGBT discrimination as in anyone giving a pass to the Palestinian statelets , Iran, Uganda hateful, murderous homophobia - belongs here.
(30,109 posts)Silence college debate.
Manipulate social media.
False cry of racism and bigotry.
Promote Oppression Olympics.
(114,904 posts)It's my opinion that people who repeatedly express bigotry are on the wrong site. Sue me.
(30,109 posts)Criticizing Hamas, Hezbollah, or the PLO is not anti-Arab bigotry.
I'm tired of seeing Regressive Leftists here being apologists for, supporting, or promoting Hamas and friends views.
(30,109 posts)Just as Jews don't count there either as victims.
Or women, christians, blacks, bahai, child human shields....
To criticize their oppressors is racist & bigoted, didn't you know?
(5,591 posts)
(30,109 posts)Last edited Tue May 24, 2016, 09:50 AM - Edit history (1)
The site is pretty funny, equally bashing everyone.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)
(3,343 posts)And I personally don't care of the plurality of Dems are for something... It's about time the Dems caught up with progressives around the world and stood up to Israel.
(26,060 posts)And THIS progressive thinks it's about time the so called progressive around the world recognized that the Palestinians have never once stood for peace, vote in corrupt and terrorist leaders (when their corrupt and terrorist leaders actually allow elections), crap on women's rights, kill their gays. How about progressives stand up for those things?
(30,109 posts)I loathe the disingenuousness.
They can hate Israel and Jews all they want, but I despise them dressing it up as if they give a f--k about Palestinians.
I respect Hamas and the KKK more. At least they don't hide the fact...
(26,060 posts)If these were Christians holding these disgusting views, everyone here would be screaming from the rooftops. Just another time to point out that Bill Maher was right. Both sides in the I/P battle have problems - that's why the ONLY solution is the two sides sitting down together and hammering out an agreement instead of waiting for others (like bds) to wave their magic wand and make it happen.
(45,850 posts)infact in your second chart it outstrips the difference between supporters of Bernie and Hillary by a wide margin, and I would think that to a loyal Democratic voter who supports Israel such as yourself those numbers might be somewhat embarrassing
(2,707 posts)a win is a win (and out of the margin of error, too)
I also show you it to remind you that if the anti-Israel types ever get a hold on the Democratic party, both a lot of Jewish voters and gentile voters alike (given the view of the nation as a whole) could ditch
[while people might nec. vote on Israel alone, since Israel as seen as positive for most voters who care about national security, ditching it is a bad idea.]
or he's a new one: Black People side with Israel
so don't try to even make this about people of color vs. "Israeli 'white supremacy.'"
(45,850 posts)and it may come as a surprise but not all Blacks are either religious or Protestant, and that is all your graph pertains too
(2,707 posts)and once a more pro-Israel head of the party leads the party (Hillary) and Bernie ultimately gets thrown in the political dustbin of history, the number will go up.
(45,850 posts)ericson00
(2,707 posts)azurnoir
(45,850 posts)
(3,967 posts)this does it for dems 2016. but Jews are a small percent of the population, so who cares, right?