Today I'm off to the Wildlife Rehab Center
At our local humane society. Last night while doing a walk around the hotel I found an injured pigeon. The bellman at the hotel next to us said it had been there most of the day. He said the girls there were upset because it flew into the window and was hurt. So I grabbed a box on my way out of the hotel, put in some paper at the bottom, and went to catch him. He could not fly, but that little sucker was hell on wheels when it came to running.
Eventually I did catch him, though, and I'm hoping that he can be saved.

(64,836 posts)I have deep admiration for anyone willing to go hands-on with helping an animal. Please do let us know how it works out.
(16,868 posts)Filled out the forms and they moved him into the rehab center. I will write later in the week to ask how he's doing. I hope they're able to pull him through. He seemed very active, but I do not know how severe the damage was.
(229,762 posts)It's tough with birds, but it sounds like this one's good a good chance. Kudos!
(16,868 posts)They had to put her down. The said:
"In this case, this patient was emaciated and severely dehydrated at admission - additionally, she was suffering from a severely dislocated wing. In wild animals - dislocations are serious injuries as the soft tissue damage associated with the injury will forever make them more susceptible to so re-injury, and there is chronic pain associated with this amount of tissue damage as well. In the expert opinion of our experienced wildlife rehabilitators and in the best interest of this wild patient (because of her overall condition in addition to her severe shoulder luxation), the difficult decision was made for humane euthanasia to end her suffering. "
Now I get to start the sadness part. I always feel bad when this happens, wishing I could have gotten there sooner. Later will be the angry part that the bird was there all day and no one did anything to help.