Animal Liberation Front Liberates Thousands of Captive Mink in Ohio

Ohio: Although no communique has yet been received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) left their insignia at the sight in Ohio where perhaps tens of thousands of captive mink were liberated last night. Lion Farms, at 2707 Hoaglin Road in Van Wert, Ohio (shown here) was the mink prison targeted.

As the pelting season grows to a close, these animals were slated for certain death by anal electrocution, gassing or clubbing within the next few weeks, at the age of around seven months, when it is most profitable for their owners to kill them. Despite being caged for their entire short and brutish lives, captive mink remain genetically wild, and have been proven capable of survival in the wild by the time they are several months old.
The two previous liberations this month were at Tonns Mink Farm, 3270 Pigeon Run Road SW, in Massillon, Ohio, operated by Dennis and Wanda Tonn and Pipkorn in Powers, Michigan, run by Thomas and Steve Pipkorn.
Mink killers and their apologists will say the most ridiculous things to try and mitigate their losses after raids like these. In media accounts on this liberation alone, we have heard the following absurdities spouted as if fact, when in reality they are completely false:
Many or most of the escaped animals were run over and killed by cars. One idiot even stated a snowplow was used to scoop up the bodies.
In reality, mink farms are located in rural areas with little traffic, mink are quick and solitary animals, and it beggars belief to imagine them aggregating in the road waiting to be run over by the rare passing vehicle. FALSE!
Many or most freed animals returned to the farmfor shelter or food, or because they loved their captors.
Very funny. And FALSE!
Captive mink are domesticated.
Despite even generations in captivity, it has been shown scientifically that mink remain genetically wild, and studies with radio-collared mink demonstrate clearly the animals are capable of surviving in the wild. No, they wont starve or freeze to death. Seriously FALSE!
Released captives are roaming the neighborhoods killing livestock, fish in koi bonds (you cant make this stuff up, and (gasp) family pets.
Captive, now free and wild mink disperse quickly and and are semi-aquatic animals who have no desire to be anywhere near humans and their livestock or pets. There may be some minimal impact on the local ecosystems temporarily while the animals disperse and learn their way around, but no habitats are decimated or overrun or rendered free of other small animals. And no, the animals do not kill wantonly and more than they need to survive, as one commentator had the audacity to suggest. FALSE!
Dont believe those who profit from animal abuse, or who just like to hear themselves spout off about things they know nothing about. And harbor, as we do, special disdain for supposed animal defenders who repeat their rhetoric.
The Animal Liberation Front and other anonymous activists utilize economic sabotage in addition to the direct liberation of animals from conditions of abuse and imprisonment to halt needless animal suffering. By making it more expensive to trade in the lives of innocent, sentient beings, they maintain the atrocities against our brothers and sisters are likely to occur in smaller numbers; their goal is to abolish the exploitation, imprisonment, torture and killing of all innocent, non-human animals. A copy of the Final Nail, a listing of known fur farms in North America, is available here:

(18,444 posts)doc03
(37,562 posts)is from Nov. 10 to Feb 28 with no limit on mink. I suppose there will be more people trying their
luck at trapping this season.
(2,260 posts)Newsflash - ALF murdered those animals by putting creatures with no knowledge of survival or natural behavior out in the wild to starve and be eaten by other animals.
Praise for these organizations makes me sick. Are mass fur farms cool? No - theyre a waste of a lot of animals lives for the sake of putting a trophy coat in the back of a closet. Are ridiculous organizations like ALF, that have absolutely zero comprehension of science behind their idiotic rhetoric and illegal media stunts cool? Absolutely not. They lie to their supporters and the public, and they murder those doomed animals as surely as the fur farmers do - but they lie about it and feel falsely righteous every inch of the way.
Want to see how righteous these liars are? Work for a wildlife rehabilitador in the area. See what happens when some actual ethical person brings in a half-dead captive animal that was liberated after their dog tore it up as it desperately scavenged for garbage, or it was the one still moving in the road where a group were mowed down by traffic as they tried to find food and shelter, or they found one or more barely moving in a field either near-frozen or too starved to keep going. Animals born in human captivity and fed their entire life in a cage do not learn their way around. Idiotic, false, self-righteous organizational press releases dont help animals. Neither does performative help like this.
Any wild predator learns hunting from their parents. Even for those properly raised by wild parents the mortality rate is very very high - but they at least have a chance to survive the perils of living wild because their parents provide backup. Wild animals suddenly dropped in the wild are disoriented and have not had time to learn what they need. Smaller animals with higher metabolisms have less time than larger animals - not weeks but days.
ALF can make the claims they make because they have never tracked their releases and collected real data. If they had they would have found a huge number of animals from starvation and predation.
(64,844 posts)Newsflash, this "organization" makes you sick? Cool story, dude. Nobody cares. Carry on.
I could've gone with "tell me you didn't read the OP and don't know what you're talking about without doing so blah blah blah" but chose not to.