We can help save wolves.
My husband and I are writing. It's better we try than doing nothing to stop trigger happy hunters from killing magnificent animals...
New Idaho Wolf Plan, Comments open until Feb 10, 2020
They want to increase the season dates for hunting and trapping wolves in Idaho.
Comments open until Feb 10, 2020.
Idaho Seasons and Rules
Wolf Harvest Season Proposals: Review and Comment Opportunity
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game recently published a new statewide wolf population estimate based on an improved model incorporating remote camera surveys and other monitoring efforts. The estimate indicates Idahos wolf population remains robust through fluctuations of births and mortality over the yearan estimated peak of 1,541 wolves in summer 2019 after the annual birth cycle.
Since the federal government lifted Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in 2011, the Fish and Game Commission has expanded wolf seasons in a stepwise manner in response to increases in depredations on livestock and predation on other big game species. Despite the Commission's systematic progression of wolf hunting and trapping seasons, the 2019 wolf population estimate is still at levels well above federal recovery criteria of 150 wolves and 15 breeding pairs statewide. With current hunting and trapping seasons and agency control actions, wolf predation on livestock and other domestic animals remains persistent in certain areas and would occur if the wolf population expanded in southern Idaho. Wolf predation also continues to have a negative effect on elk populations in some backcountry areas.
The Department is asking for public input on the following potential changes to wolf hunting and trapping seasons to reduce conflicts from wolf predation, and to consider additional proposals submitted to the Commission. Please note that the Commission may choose to adopt changes to seasons so they take effect immediately for hunting and trapping seasons through June 2021

(28,297 posts)Give her thread some attention or post here. Just want folks to submit statements to save wolves. I've some reasoned ideas to counter these gun happy hunters which I'll post later.
(24,507 posts)Like they're a bunch of apples.
I see two groups behind this: ranchers that pretend wolves are decimating their herds, and "big game" hunters that think wolves are competing with them. And trappers....my gawd! Brutal torture and animal cruelty by any other name.
I answered their survey. They are talking about open season on wolves year round. A population of 1,500 would be decimated pretty quickly. And on public land! These are not Idaho's wolves, they belong to all of us.