Why do people dislike vegans?
Because they have the audacity to live extremely hard according to their values.
Damn them!!!

(3,868 posts)Because when they hear one is coming to dinner, they don't know what to serve.
(13,149 posts)Strict vegetarian of 46 years , I can tell you that some folks view my lifestyle as a judgement upon their own.
(3,342 posts)some of them.
(15,038 posts)That's what I've found.. When they find out I'm vegan they start justifying their "meatatarian"
lifestyle... They also ask if I'm a tree hugging pro animal activist...... HA!!
(4,187 posts)I'm sorry, but this is the most pathetic excuse for anti-vegan nastiness I've ever heard. Vegans are generally extremely good-natured at dinner parties and will happily eat bread, potatoes, and dressing-free salad while the meat-eaters feast on all kinds of animal flesh in front of them. That kind of gentle kindness does not stop meat-eaters from attacking vegans at every possible opportunity.
This has happened to me, by the way. Soon after I went vegan, I went to a dinner party with my husband. We brought a vegan dish and ate some of that, as well as the side dishes that happened to be vegan. The host placed a giant plate of lamb in front of me and my husband, thinking that it would upset us. One of the guests suggested that it should be moved, but the host insisted that it stay there. She then started talking about how much she likes to wear fur. One of the guests responded that killing a wild animal was cruel, but eating an animal raised for food was good. When I politely pointed out that the latter suffered much more than the former, I was attacked for about 20 minutes by every meat-eater around the table except one. After they recited every excuse they could think of for eating meat, everyone got up and left the table, and they didn't even bother to say good bye as we left. Those people thought they were hurting us, but all they were doing was showing their own ugliness.
Meat-eaters who attack vegans are full of hate and insecurity. And they get what they deserve. There is, after all, a kind of karma in this. The meat-eater who takes such pleasure in insulting and attacking vegans will be dying from heart disease and Alzheimer's in a few years. Even if they're one of the few who manage to live longer, I have to think that the insecurity that makes them so nasty must make them unhappy in other ways.
(1,166 posts)It's all I can guess. I'm a vegan atheist who on the general forums was told I was doubly awful for just who I am. I love DU, but sometimes I feel like it's a sound check for those in their thoughts.
(115,916 posts)calguy
(5,877 posts)There are certain vegans in the world who are just downright snobbish about the whole thing. Like they are somehow better and smarter than anyone else. Most vegans I'm sure don't have that uppity attitude, but I've known several who do and they walk around wondering why nobody wants to be around them.
(3,376 posts)Eating a whole food Organic diet has been proven to sharpen the mind and body (with a longer lifespan as well). On the flip side; A diet laden with fast foods, carcinogens, round up wheat, dairy loaded with antibiotics, and highly processed sugary junk does just the opposite to the mind and body. The very reason cancer and so many other diseases have increased to such a high level in recent years. It's not hard to do now. There are some greats new tasty products that are Vegan and vegetarian (beyond burger). Oh, and consider the planet. Animal processing costs are alarming!
(4,187 posts)
It may be true that there are "certain vegans in the world" who are rude or annoying, but there are also "certain meat-eaters in the world" who are just downright nasty, rude, and hostile. In my experience, the percentage of meat-eaters who get hostile when they meet a vegan is much higher than the percentage of vegans who are rude to meat-eaters.
The fact that a group is not 100% polite 100% of the time does not justify being hostile to all members of that group.
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)is the self-righteousness they exhibit.
At least JW's and door to door canvassers politely walk away if I tell them I'm not interested but it seems like some vegans just can't help themselves in trying to convert me to the one true religion.
It's awesome that you live according to your values but please don't assume I'm just chomping at the bit to hear all about the vegan lifestyle.
(21,946 posts)cry salty tears.
We have much more in common than we have differences. The differences are more superficial
We put our britches on one leg at a time
We bleed red
We cry salty tears
We all need water regularily without it we'd die before very long
We all need food but can go longer without it.
The rest are personal preferences.
(12,322 posts)I have some family members who are vegan, and they are very chill about it. We get along very well. Yes, they hate DFT too.
(72,177 posts)they cast a pall over the choices of others, imho. bad pr for the movement.
(26,008 posts)you saw Contact, right?
Jody Foster, Carl Sagen book?
When they blasted her thru the wormhole or
whatever and she ended up on some beach? on Vega?
weird beings there, kinda misty and bluish... same thing i guess...
(10,606 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 27, 2019, 01:16 PM - Edit history (1)
(14,381 posts)handmade34
(23,220 posts)have a problem with climate change deniers?? why do we berate Trump because he makes fun of climate change??
eating excessive meat is harming the planet... Amazon is burning because of an excessive demand for meat
Vegans may seem self-righteous but there is a real argument to be had for changing our habits
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)The problem happens when vegans act like I OWE it to them to listen to that argument.
Be a good example and I might just get curious enough to ask.
(16,695 posts)In some sense we tend to make the most fun of those we like. There are alot of reasons that people poke fun at vegans. For a start, mostly, like with any deviation from the norm, we poke fun at those who are most vocal about it. But also, that population will get characterized by the most extreme of them. Pick anything, drinking, smoking, surfing, religion, whatever, there will be the "true believers" that virtually proselytize about it. But talk to any of them and there are also those who will "explain" to them the error of their ways. Talk to any smoker about the lectures they can get from virtually anyone. Talk to any woman about "mansplaining".
I will acknowledge, the problem that Vegans, and to a great extent vegetarians or anyone with a severe food allergy, are forced to explain or acknowledge their situation because of the social role that food plays in our lives. Otherwise it could be about as well known as what kind of underwear we choose.
I have a weird "quirk", I tend to wear hats alot, even indoors. If I'm in your home, or a church, or whatever and I know you object I'll take it off. But surprisingly alot of people won't. The reason has to do with a time in my life when it was a "thing" that many of us did and that time was important to me. None the less sooner or later someone might ask. Before I launch into a long lecture, I usually just say something to the effect of "because it's important to me". Quite often that shuts the whole thing down. I've offered this advice to many friends who have something in their lives that deviates from the norm. It is amazing how it tends not only to stop conversations, but in fact get people to offer a little bit of respect without a lecture.
(3,268 posts)Because they will tell you over, and over,and over,and over,and over,and over,....
(64,844 posts)I get it, you tried to make the crossover joke (insert vegan or crossfit reference here) but you failed on one point: so you hate vegans because they tell you they are one.
It's cool to justify hate with a pitiful "because" like this anyway. Or so I'm told.
Name checks out at least.
(4,954 posts)But then you don't see meat eaters proudly displaying photos of cows at the slaughter house or calves being ripped from their mothers on their walls. Vegans listen to their conscience whereas many others have ways to avoid their conscience, even after learning the truth. We have standards now so as not to abuse humans, but we have not come that far with animals yet.
That is why the DU lounge has so many cute cat videos.