Free Tiger With Terminal Cancer Imprisoned For College's Football Games (PETITION)
May 27, 2016
For the past few years, Louisiana State University (LSU) has been bringing out a live, caged tiger to it's football games.
The university has gone through six tigers, and it's current tiger, Mike, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
While the college claims to be providing Mike world class care, this should take place in a sanctuary, not a cage.
Holding wild animals captive is detrimental to their physical and mental health.
These animals should be running through the trees, enjoying the sunshine, and engaging in natural behaviors.
Instead, these tigers have been carted around for entertainment, confined in small cages, and forced to endure the large, loud crowds of university football games.
It's cruel to continue treating Mike the tiger in this manner.
He deserves to have some peace and happiness for his remaining time on earth.
Please sign this petition and demand LSU retire Mike the tiger and no longer use live animals as mascots.

(1,000 posts)montanacowboy
(6,457 posts)n/t