Norway’s Deadly Export: Whale Meat GRAPHIC PHOTO WARNING!!!
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The Scandinavian country has killed a record number of the marine mammals this year in defiance of an international moratorium on commercial whaling.

Norwegian whalers carve up the carcass of a whale off the coast of northern Norway. (Photo: Reuters) (Photo:
October 27, 2014 By David Kirby
David Kirby has been a professional journalist for 25 years. His third book, Death at Seaworld, was published in 2012.
Norway has killed record numbers of whales this year, but its whaling industry has a marketing problem: Many Norwegians oppose the practice. So whats a Scandinavian whaling company to do? Try to export tons of meat to another Nordic country, in this case Iceland, which operates its own controversial whaling industry.
On Monday, the Animal Welfare Institute and NOAH, a Norwegian animal rights group, released documents obtained through the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act showing that the whaling company Lofothval wants permission to export up to 22,000 pounds of whale meat to Iceland.
The request comes barely a month after the United States government raised concerns about Norways escalating whaling and trade in whale products during the recent meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), AWI said in a statement.
A U.S. State Department official urged Norway and Iceland to stop their whale hunts. "The United States continues to support the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on commercial whalinga necessary measure for the conservation of large whales," the official, who did not want to be identified per protocol, said in an email. "The United States believes that all countriesincluding Iceland and Norwayshould end commercial whaling activities and trade in whale products."
FULL story at link.