(25,592 posts)After all our bodies are omnivorous by nature. Eating an otherwise balanced meals, including eggs and dairy, several times a week are enough to supply the missing nutrients, when on a plant only diet.
Supplements help, but are not really enough.
(47,675 posts)Well, and other dairy products.
(16,868 posts)I've been completely vegan for many years and my health has never been better, according to the doctor.
Also read this: http://colindonoghue.wordpress.com/2010/05/26/do-we-need-to-eat-animal-products-for-optimum-health/
(47,675 posts)His book, "Diet for a New America", was instrumental in our decision.
(11,406 posts)Please note even the mainstream American Dietetic Association approves of all-plant diets:
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.
(64,836 posts)Because I'll be happy to help you correct your thinking.
(49,212 posts)Why on earth would we have evolved to need the reproductive tissues of ruminant mammals and tropical jungle fowl? That's just silly on it's face.
FWIW, I'm horribly allergic to dairy and never could stand the taste of eggs unless they were cooked into something to hide them (and I haven't eaten either in a number of years measured in two digits,) and rumor has it I'm perfectly healthy, as is my kid who's never eaten either on purpose.
(25,592 posts)And that is the point. Humans are by history, nature and biology, omnivorous animals. We are designed to digest meat. If you don't want to eat meat for whatever reason, you still need B12 form some source. Being a vegan all all your life used to mean you could expect to live 45-50 years max. What does that tell you about the human diet?
BTY, eggs are not dairy and they will do for the B12 source.
Nutritional Yeast supplies more than enough B12.
(49,212 posts)That animal products make awesome bacteria chow really isn't a selling point.
Can I ask why you're posting in this group?
(47,675 posts)RebelOne
(30,947 posts)I am a vegetarian, and I am 72 years old soon to be 73 in January.
(25,592 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,987 posts)really opened our eyes. Starting to move toward a whole food plant based diet.
I've lost 50 lb since last Jan - eating mostly fruits, veggies, whole grains - have never, ever felt better in my 55 years.
(64,836 posts)Exultant Democracy
(6,595 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)We raised them that way but always offered the choice once they understood what they were asking to eat. They're all strict vegetarians now (dairy & egg excepted).