question about non-profits
I have to quit a few memberships. I need to save money and want to switch to supporting a local farm sanctuary and a no-kill shelter in my neighborhood.
So these are my memberships:
-Defenders of Wildlife
-Humane Society
-NWF (I knowwww, they support hunting. I've already been scolded for joining but I HAD to have that Habitat sign.)
I want to drop at least 4 of them. I'm sure Greenpeace and PETA are bureaucratic giants who maybe I shouldn't have been giving my grocery money anyway.
Maybe I should ask which 2 or 3 would everyone think does the best with my donation money.
And maybe this should be a poll.
(And maybe this is a thread I shouldn't start? comparing these big places. will I get sued!?)

(17,276 posts)There you can read all the numbers for each organization and see where the money goes.
I give to these: World Wildlife Fund and Humane Society of the United States. Those are my animal ones.

(12,022 posts)Yah, I think Humane Society is one I'll definitely keep
Thank you for this site, I think it's just what I need!! I'll go there now.
(edit- oh yeah this was exactly what I need, TY!!!)
(17,276 posts)You can also create a "My Charities" list and keep track of your donations. If you don't mind that being online, that is.
I really love the Humane Society's magazine. I read it cover to cover every time I get one. Called "All Animals" and comes with a donation of $25 or more.
(12,022 posts)Wasn't it 'All Animals' who had Lil Bub on the cover?? I know it's corny but it was so cute I screamed.
I'm glad I'm finally doing this, and wish I'd done it years (and thousands of dollars) ago.
Thank you!
(64,844 posts)It pains me to say that, as I love a couple of them and have friends at two of them. The impact of the smaller donor proportionately is felt much more by the smaller, local group. They have no shot at anything outside of their immediate scope, short a story going viral on the net. $25 seriously matters to a small shelter or farm sanctuary. Plus, you can probably watch your money doing good things.
The only "national" groups I donate to are Sea Shepherd, Mercy for Animals and Farm Sanctuary. But then, I'm a direct action kind of guy.
Lastly, I run my own animal rescue which is a very small "charity" and those $10 and $25 donations really do make a big deal and each one is appreciated on its own and not as a lump sum total. I think all of us small guys see it that way. Give locally. Watch your money work.
Even more lastly, I have to comment on some of the listed charities. I would never support any of the groups that support hunting. Greenpeace jumped the whale when they refused to assist SSCS several years ago against the whalers. Never a dime from me. Call me Team Watson.
(no, you won't get sued)
(12,022 posts)I'm dropping them all! except for Farm Sanctuary, Poplar Spring Sanctuary, and my local Animal Welfare League!
In the morning I'm going to call ALL the others and cancel. Humane Society is the only one I'll keep.
At Poplar Spring I can definitely know where the money's going because we go there every few months to visit.
I should have done this years ago. I have this piddly, nickle & dime-ing income, but I wanted to help animals anyway I could. I was throwing money at those big organizations.
(49,212 posts)I really don't have anything to add, except to praise you both for donating and for being thoughtful and strategic in how you go about it.
I'm thrifty as hell about everything except animals. I just wish I'd thought more before about who I gave to, and why.
I got it all fixed today and I'm mostly giving to farm sanctuaries!