Please, I need some advice
I started a MoveOn petition and want to (obviously) get as much mileage out of it as I can... so what do you all think about the best way to approach it here at DU? Here is the petition:
Thanks for taking the time...
(3,128 posts)Elfin Yeti
(740 posts)Would you mind forwarding it to your like-minded friends? Or k&r? Thank you so much!
(3,691 posts)RebelOne
(30,947 posts)emsimon33
(3,128 posts)flvegan
(64,692 posts)Try posting it in GD. One problem, your petition doesn't specify what Arballo did to justify such a sentence.
I hate Fox, but it's a news source that most won't suggest it's fake or anything else. Try a link to show what he's done, what the police are investigating, what experts are saying, etc. Here:
Horse abuse isn't tolerated by 99% of DU, trolls aside. Yes, you may get the "we have better stuff to do, what about people?" crap from a couple folks, but you may get your numbers.
"Horse training abuse should not be tolerated! Petition to charge trainer with felony animal abuse here." would make a good subject line. Hits all the good points for someone interested. Issue, explanation, what-I-can-do-to-help.
Good luck with your petition.