Idaho's GOP Governor Declares War on Endangered Wolves
First, a little background information:
On January 11, 2007, Idaho Governor Butch Otter announced his support for a
"Grey Wolf kill," in which all but 100 of Idaho's recently recovered Grey Wolf population would be eradicated pending the forthcoming U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removal of the wolves from protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Otter, a Republican, even remarked that "he would be first in line to purchase a tag to kill one of the wolves."
(Wikipedia..Idaho Governor Butch Otter)
In mid-2010, Governor Otter extended the wolf hunts in Idaho.
Defenders of Wildlife is urging President Obama and the courts to end these hunts.
"It is impossible and biologically unsound to allow hunting of wolves when they are not fully recovered as a regional population, and should not have been removed from the Endangered Species List."
Now, Governor Otter plans to gas dens to kill mothers and even pups, and shoot them from the air.
Even without wolf tags, people continue to poach and hunt these creatures that are ancestors to "man's best friend".
To add to all the trouble, 70,000 or even more permits to kill Idaho's magnificent wolves are planned to be sold to hunters and ranchers.
Please help save Idaho's dying wolves.
To sign the petition to President Obama.. "Protect Idaho's Wolves From Otter's Cruelty"
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(9,474 posts)needs to dress little Butchie up in a red hood and cape, give him a picnic basket, and send him through the woods to grandma's house.
red dog 1
(30,446 posts)AverageJoe90
(10,745 posts)Yeah, wolves can be dangerous, but they're really not as aggressive as many people think; in fact, from what I understand, they just prefer to be left alone and are only a threat when they feel threatened.
I do hope this can be stopped before Idaho's wolves become totally extinct,'d be a real shame.