Atlanta: Mayor announces plans for 4 new MARTA stations across city

Urbanize Atlanta) Acknowledging that MARTAs sagging rail ridership is due, in part, to limited access to the transit system, Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens dropped bombshell urbanist news today that four new infill stations are en route to the city.
The announcement, made during Dickens annual State of the City address, specified that one of the new MARTA stations will take shape near Murphy Crossing, a Southwest Atlanta location that alternative transportation supporters have long contended is ripe for better rail access.
A station at Murphy Crossinga vacant, 20-acre industrial site thats set to be redeveloped as housing and commercial propertieswould mark the first instance of direct connectivity between MARTA rail and the BeltLines 22-mile loop at any point across the city.
Dickens restated his belief that access to transit is paramount for creating healthy, thriving neighborhoods in this mornings address. .................(more)