San Francisco's motley Market Street Tamed, So Far, by Car Restrictions

S.F.'s motley Market Street Tamed, So Far, by Car Restrictions
Oct. 23--If San Francisco's catch-all main drag of Market Street seems less hectic lately, it's not the end of the summer tourist crush or the surge in transit ridership. The 2-month-old program to steer most private cars off the busiest -- and most dangerous -- stretches of Market seems to be working.
The number of cars cruising the boulevard has declined noticeably. During the morning and evening commutes, swarms of bicyclists roll along Market, easily outnumbering the cars, buses and taxis. At times, the street even seems quiet.
The program known as Safer Market Street aims to elbow away most private vehicles between Third and Eighth streets by prohibiting turns at most intersections and forcing eastbound vehicles to make right-hand turns off Market. Transit and commercial vehicles as well as taxis are exempted from the rules, but ride services like Uber and Lyft are not.
"The biggest thing we're hearing is how much more calm it is and how much more pleasant it is, at least to walk and bike," said Nicole Ferrara, who directs the Walk San Francisco advocacy group for pedestrians. "From our perspective, we're seeing it work in the ways we want." .................(more)