When American transit agencies ignore the world’s move to open gangways
from the Transport Politic blog:
When American transit agencies ignore the worlds move to open gangways

[font size="1"] Virtually every new metro or subway train purchased by transit agencies over the past ten years has been built with open gangwaysallowing passengers to walk from one end of the train to the other. Except in the United States.[/font]
New York Citys Second Avenue Subway project, which in its first phase will bring transit service north from 63rd to 96th Streets in Manhattan, will provide many benefits for commuters, offering three new stations and much easier access from the Upper East Side to western Midtown. It will reduce congestion on the Lexington Avenue Subway (4/5/6) by as much as 13 percenta boon for commuters on the single-most-used transit corridor in the country. And it will respond to the simple fact that New York City is growing quickly; it has added half a million people since 2000 and continues to expand.
But the Second Avenue Subway project has its issuesnotably the fact that at $4.5 billion, its outrageously expensive given its 1.7-mile length. Given these construction costs, few projects of this magnitude are possible. So what alternatives do congested, growing cities like New York have to increase the capacity of their transit systems?
All around the world, cities investing in their metrosa term Ill use here to describe systems like New Yorks Subway, the Bay Area BART, and othersare choosing to include open gangways on their trains.* Its a simple concept to understand: Basically, people who board a train are able to walk from one end of the train to the other without opening doors or stepping outside of the train.
Open gangways provide a number of advantages: One, they expand capacity by allowing riders to use the space that typically sits empty between cars. This added capacity means that a metro line can carry more people with trains of the same length. Two, it allows passengers to redistribute themselves throughout the train while the vehicle is moving, reducing problems associated with many people boarding in the same doorway, such as slow exiting times and poorly distributed standees. Three, it increases safety at times of low ridership by increasing the number of eyes in the train. There are no obvious downsides. .................(more)