Costco Emergency Food Storage Supply with Goal Zero 150 Escape Power Kit, 36 Bucket Pallet of food
It looks like Costco is jumping into the Disaster Prepper madness of some people.
They've got lots of prepper goodies...

(108,334 posts)peanut butter and rice, that I always have on hand, I don't quite see the need for this crap. With a little table top butane burner, some extra butane cartridges (or an outdoor grill)and a solar, hand-crank radio-cell phone charger, I can't see what I'm missing. If worse comes to worse, I have water purification equipment from frequent camping and overseas travel.
Is it really necessary to have some company pre-package all this crap? Heavens. I'm sure they sell a lot to the Mormons, but really..?.
Renew Deal
(83,643 posts)"Preppers" purchase years worth of food and supplies, lots of guns and weapons. Someone is making a profit.
(108,334 posts)Heavens. Surely one could do better for a quart of that price and that would include paying "New" prices for some basic equipment.
(1 post)AnneD
(15,774 posts)prepared by having a fully stocked pantry (at least one year). All my Aunts and my Mom had pantries and gardens. The idea was reinforced when I lost my job and was unemployed for over 8 months. I did not have to waste precious money on food. When we had a hurricane that left us without power (thus stores and banks etc were closed.) we did not have to endure the long lines of panic shoppers. A stocked pantry is better than money in the bank. The secret is to rotate your stock.
(16,020 posts)TxRider
(2,183 posts)That's what 3 years worth of food for a single person for roughly $1000 a year. Or put another way, $2.90 per day to feed a single person for 3 years.
That doesn't seen unattractive to me, if the food is worth eating. I know some of the freeze dried foods are quite good, companies have been making such foods for back packers and such for over 30 years, which I have used for those 30 years, and the quality has definately improve since the 1970's. Plus a 25 year shelf life isn't bad either.