Living the dream in a 10'x10' home
"Man Living in a 10'x10' Tiny House & Homesteading in the City"

(8,236 posts)Kaleva
(38,991 posts)Ilsa
(62,584 posts)He's camping. And I don't know where he is, but cooking outside in winter wastes fuel and heat, which could also be warming up his living space.
It's not energy efficient.
It's not suitable to many climates where the cold prohibits or at least inhibits cooking outside and using an outdoor toilet.
What about climates with strong windstorms or hurricanes? How do you secure that outdoor kitchen? Is that home going to withstand the winds?
(38,991 posts)Kaleva
(38,991 posts)He talks about winter being chilly sometimes but he makes it through.
I do think the video shows that it's possible to get quite minimalist. I would never go to such an extreme as I do like certain comforts and such a set up would not work where I live in Upper Michigan.
(62,584 posts)getting in his food or bed, or mosquitoes.
I appreciate going "small", but there are a few modern things I prefer to help keep me healthy and well. I wouldn't want to be in his home with a cat. 2 hurricane blowing in.
(5,877 posts)This dude is a leech. He's living off society while contributing nothing to it. Living in someone's back yard and probably violating numerous city ordinances as well. It all looks good until something goes wrong, and it always does at some point. At some point when he gets sick or gets injured we'll have to pay his medical bills. This is not a sustainable life style, which he will realize down the road.
(38,991 posts)He also mentioned that he cares for several gardens in the area.
The guy says his share of the electric bill comes out to about $10 a month so he must have sources of income.
(136 posts)I have an outhouse with flushing toilet and running water and a porch surrounded by my veggie and weed garden. I live in town but can pay my entire years rent and utilities with one month of weed trimming($3000).I rent from a friend who appreciates my support (everyone's working poor now it seems)and I have time for myself and my friends and community and I love it. I'll never live in a "real" house again. The comments to this thread are disappointing. Living in someones backyard isn't camping. I pay my way and have improved my friends backyard with my garden. Fuck you and your bullshit "oh pee and poop, leech etc.etc." Judge people on their carbon footprint, not your distaste for their lifestyles. You are the weird ones, not this guy.
Response to Kaleva (Original post)
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