Baking Soda Instead of Toothpaste and Peroxide as a Mouthwash
Do you do this?
I have done so for about 10 years. When I go to a dentist I don't have cavities and they tell me my teeth are very white and ask me if I bleach them. I say no. Then I ask if my enamel looks okay and they say yes. So. I'm going to keep on keeping on with it.
The downside is that my breath is not minty.
The upside is that my mouth is very clean. Once I started doing it I was not able to go back to the feeling of toothpaste which is minty - but it feels kinda soapy and not as though it balanced the oral ph or killed bacteria.
I do floss with actual dental floss though.

(6,709 posts)Always feels like I just left the dentist.
(1,483 posts)shanny
(6,709 posts)they include some bluegreen algae from Klamath Lake.
Loki Liesmith
(4,602 posts)Just a note though: Peroxide is a bleach.
(24,476 posts)Finding alternatives is difficult. Do you only use baking soda exclusively?
(1,483 posts)If I'm caught without it I usually have coconut oil which I use for everything - and I will brush with that and oil pull.
but i've only had to do that a couple of times.
If I didn't have that I would use a little drop of Dr. Bronners.
I don't like minty, and a lot of the widely available toothpastes have SLS and aluminum oxide and they're expensive so..yeah I avoid toothpaste faithfully.
Oh and I have tried an Indian neem tooth powder. I liked the taste- like star anise.
(35,076 posts)being old and my eyesight is pretty bad, last week I woke up in the middle of the night and grabbed what I thought was the Preparation H. Turned out it was a tube of toothpaste. Wow, talking about puckered up. So, I need to get away from other things that come in a tube.
(11,686 posts)Ever since I started using it 10 years ago people always tell me how white my teeth are. Except for problems that started before I started using my toothpaste I have not developed any new problems. Because of lack of dental coverage my dental care is being caught up slowly but surely now that I have health insurance that includes dental and visual. I floss with actual dental floss but the kind that is on a tooth pick. I also have these small brushes that look like bottle brushes to also clean between the teeth with.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Thanks everyone for the information