apron from a pair of jeans (easy tutorial)
I came across this great little tutorial while looking for tips to make blue jean yarn (bjarn??) with which to crochet a bath mat...

(146,218 posts)The only problem I have is that we tend to wear jeans until they are unwearable, so the apron would not look nearly as pretty as that, lol.
(18,219 posts)if you intend to really really use an apron, does it have to start out looking cute? Since I would mess it up badly so fast, it might as well be scrungy from the beginning.
I think it is pretty cute, but I hate to work with denim....it is too much work.
(146,218 posts)It's great but if the seams get too thick, it tends to lock up.
Which reminds me, I need to get more needles while in town.
I have a couple of silly aprons, but I consistently forget to put them on, lol.
(18,219 posts)well, until I have a big grease spot on me. Barn door, horses already gone.....how does that saying go???
(19,153 posts)
I'll just go around the edge in blanket stitch with a thick needle and thread or yarn

(146,218 posts)Got halfway through a new shopping bag today, and it's great, but I would not have wanted to do it by hand.