A Guide to Eating a Plant-Based Diet
http://zenhabits.net/ (today's post for 9/27/2012)
The article isn't preachy, just informative.
Eating as a vegetarian or even as a vegan is usually much more frugal and much, much more energy efficient than eating an animal-products diet.
Just fyi

(19,345 posts)loli phabay
(5,580 posts)a great example is last year we shot and trapped 57 groundhogs on our two properties, this meat pretty much fed two of our neighbours for the whole winter, this year we only got a dozen or so but the rabbit population increased so this year we will eat more rabbits. Apart from the cost of rounds, i already have guns the whitetails we will take and squirrels cost pretty much nothing.
(13,661 posts)(as humane as it can be - trapping to me seems utterly hideous) and doesn't skew your local ecosystem there probably aren't many arguments against it other than the ones made in the article about compassion.
If you don't kill the animal instantly, if there is any lingering or suffering, then no amount of frugality can compensate for the suffering inflicted on a living being.
If you snuff them out immediately, well, I won't argue with you unless you're messing up an ecosystem.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)Prey. Also you check them reguarly to ensure you get the meat as soon as possible.
(12 posts)Good points made. I eat meat myself, but I can see the reasoning. Thanks for sharing.