Stop This Train: The Common Core and the Uncommon Student
More educational foolishness from Obama-Duncan-Gates. Where will it end?
>>>Contemplate for a minute the lack of mentality, the *mindlessness* that must go into requiring that teachers of profoundly impaired special ed students teach or … or *pretend* to teach… “polynomials” and “rewriting rational expressions” to 17 year-old kids who can’t count to ten. While the Common Core may seem to be a somewhat better fit to the gen ed classroom, keep in mind that the same know-nothing, authoritarian arrogance that drove CC thru my classroom is now driving it thru yours.
The CC rationale rests on a rickety step-ladder of false assumptions, starting with the assumption that people have more in “common” than they actually do. Our kids are individuals… all of them: special ed, general ed; *all* of them…. before they are interchangeable widgets, OSIS #s, clones or drones. >>>>>
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