Related: About this forumEducation Department’s obsession with test scores deepens
Apparently its not enough for the Obama administration that standardized test scores are now used to evaluate students, schools, teachers and principals. In a new display of its obsession with test scores, the Education Department is embarking on a study to determine which parts of clinical teacher training lead to higher average test scores
Education Secretary Arne Duncan speaks at the U.S. Conference of Mayors winter meeting luncheon in Washington, last month. (Cliff Owen) among the teachers students.
This is explained in a notice placed in the Federal Register:
Teachers who have experienced certain types of clinical practice features and who have completed those features are hypothesized to produce higher average student test scores than teachers who have not done so. Using a randomized controlled trial, students will be randomly assigned to a pair of teachers in the same school and grade level, one of whom will have experienced the type of clinical practice of interest (treatment) while the other will not have experienced the feature (control). Average test scores of the two groups will then be compared.
The Education Departments new study takes as fact the notion that standardized test scores tell us something important about how well a teacher does his or her job. They dont, assessment experts say (over and over), but why let the facts get in the way?
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(44,173 posts)Too much federal meddling.
(96,793 posts)but it needs to be scaled back.
(44,173 posts)As soon as you create a federal agency, they have an institutional interest in meddling. In part because they need to justify their existence.
(96,793 posts)And they enforce civil rights regulations as they apply to education.
We aren't ready to give any of that up.
We need the DOE.
(70,765 posts)you get a question, you search your knowledge for as much as you know already, then look up additional information to find a great answer.
THAT is true learning.
(20,885 posts)Pretty nuts.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)If I wasn't witnessing all this happening in our lifetimes, I would think it was satire.
(14,350 posts)A study starting from a biased place. How shocking.
I swear, someone is seriously benefiting from all this testing crap, and it sure as heck isn't teachers or students.
L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)Charter schools are also for-profit enterprises, and the perception of failing public schools is in their financial interest.
(14,350 posts)I worked for one last year that was managed by the local school district (it's their alternative high school that was spun off as a semi-independent charter several years back). I think that's a great model, personally, but there are for-profit companies out there trying to run charters, and that's just a nightmare.
(21,086 posts)that the needle they supposedly must pass thru at death is a little bit larger because they concern themselves
(6,891 posts)to assess the state of the Union. The data confirms that we rank near the bottom of developed republics. I think I might start using 3rd grade reading scores to determine which investment bankers to throw into prison.
Response to proud2BlibKansan (Original post)
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