I'm in need of a part-time bookkeeper/sales-counter person...
at a (very) small business, 3 current employees including me. I am unsure how to find someone with that particular mix of skills. Any suggestions?

(16,600 posts)stating the number hours needed in each role. If you are looking for sales/counter help but hope they can do some minor bookkeeping on the side, then say so. But if you think more hours will be spent on the bookkeeping side, emphasize that.
I think it's important to know what the main role will be. I've seen bookkeeping ads that really want someone in an office manager position instead. Just say so. That way expectations can be met on both sides.
(21,320 posts)what if I'm not sure? I've got time to figure this out, I don't have to get the answer tomorrow.
This persons main responsibility would be bookkeeping with the goal of sending it to an accountant at the end of the quarter, with a side (and maybe a little more) of counter help.
I want to meet expectations, don't need an office manager position.
Is this kind of person even available???
(19,529 posts)it's not possible let to do both at the same time.
Not well, anyway. Bookkeeping I and bank reconciliation require focus or it's easy to make mistakes. One person, no problem. One shift, many problems.
Good luck! I hope you find the right new colleague.
(19,529 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,856 posts)Exactly how much help is needed at the front counter? Would they have to be available to work at the front counter throughout the day?
When I'm working on someone's books, I want it quiet and without disturbances as much as possible. What you're trying to do is combine a fairly low skill position with a higher skilled position. It's kind of like saying you want one person to be your interior decorator AND your maid. A bookkeeper with decent skills will be hard to find for less than $20 an hour. In some markets it could be $30 an hour or more. Why not hire a part time bookkeeper and a part time counter person for the busiest time of the day, or the busiest days of the week?
Right now I have a 3 day a week permanent bookkeeping job which is enough for me to squeak by on. The rest of the time I take clients on a freelance basis. Trust me when I tell you, you don't want a bookkeeper with marginal skills. The work I do freelance is often fixing other bookkeeper's messes.
Just my 2 cents.