Facebook ads?
Hi everyone!
I am starting out in real estate and wanted to run a couple of Facebook ads to try to capture a few leads. I've had my Facebook PPC ads running for a few days, and they're supposed to be getting shown to approx 200,000 people in my area. Unfortunately my ads manager says that just 21 people (total) have seen one of my two ads. This seems obscenely low given my ads have been running for about 48 hrs. Have I possibly done something wrong when setting up my ad? Or is this about what I should expect from Facebook ads? I'd ask Facebook if something is wrong, but I can't for the life of me find a way to contact them.

(7 posts)I started running one last weekend, well actually I've been taking old ones down and putting new ones up all week. I've also done a little bit of research on line. 21 is the number of people who have clicked on your add (I believe). Anything around .02 - 1% is pretty normal but it depends on what you are advertising. 200k people could have been exposed to your add, but that doesn't mean they actually noticed it or were interested in a real estate agent.
My experience has been mixed. Despite getting a 13% (Extremely High and Rare), It seems like none of my target market is being targeted. My company is Dick to Dick LLC so I'm not surprised when a bunch of kids click on it. The problem with this for me, is that when people outside my target market click on it, I max out my daily budget ($5) in 10 minutes. You are getting more exposure by having people see your ad multiple times. It's not a bad thing. You may also consider running something that is relatable but doesn't look like an ad. I've seen other people suggest this on line.
I'm still unclear as to whether there are actual real people clicking on it. That's just the business side of me.
Google "facebook ads CPM and CPC" but don't click on the facebook links. There's a lot of good info out there and good luck!
(71,265 posts)
(2 posts)I would go back into your Ad Manager, view your Bid and the Suggested Bid. If your max bid is too low they won't serve your ads. The suggested bid can change over time due to higher demand for your target.
My CTR is typically any where from 0.5% to 5% depending on the post being promoted.
My suggestion would be to write a short post "10 Tips Everyone Should Know When Buying Their First Home". Promote it to people who are married between the age of 25 and 35 in your target area. This improved targeting coupled with building curiosity should improve your CTR, reduce the amount you pay per click and get your ad served.
Response to Aquavit (Original post)
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(2 posts)Definitely, you are doing something wrong.
(26,795 posts)You might not get much of a response here due to lack of activity but Welcome to DU!