Blame poverty, not race, say Ferguson’s white minority

Blame poverty, not race, say Fergusons white minority
By Chris McGreal, The Guardian
Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:14 EDT
Fergusons white Republican mayor, James Knowles, is clear: he will tell anyone who listens that there is no racial divide in the town, which has been hit by a fortnight of protest over the killing of a young African American, Michael Brown, by a white policeman.
Knowless predecessor, Brian Fletcher, has a different take. Sure were segregated. Most cities are. People want to be with people that look like them, think like them, talk like them. Its human nature. It doesnt mean its bad, he said. A lot of communities in the United States are segregated by colour, by economic power, by education. You know the term the other side of the tracks? Its the truth. Its been that way, it is that way and will be that way.
Scott Bonner, manager of the local library, put it another way. St Louis is a very Balkanised town and I wish it was better, he said.
Fergusons white minority is feeling besieged. The protests have thrown a spotlight on an overwhelmingly white police force in a town of 21,000 people two-thirds of them black with a power structure firmly in white hands.