Related: About this forumWhy is the working Poor forced into more poverty
Why is a majority left with no voice?
When you have no voice, you have little choice.
Poverty is more than will, it can feel like desperation,
and it becomes so much easier to choose a self-medicating
Harder still, it becomes to struggle, understanding that maybe someday,
things will happen, you will be given perhaps a real chance.
In your very own lifetime, to make something good happen for yourself,
and your family.
And yet, there's the steel thud of economic policies that feeds subsidies
to the rich, with no real economic justification regarding possible economic
Your own country, the world at large, even if you live in the Worlds, second richest economy,
in The US.
Yes, China is the first economically biggest today, in purchasing power, in assets of production,
compared to supply and demand.
And today, you live in a rich country, where healthcare is one of the worse of all
developed countries
Your infrastructure is increasingly dilapidated more and more each year.
Your poor, and anyone in a poor country if they were computer smart,
could work to steal your identity.
And feel guiltless for doing so, and fear no tangible threat from
any law, and perhaps in their own country it is something fully
because whoever made the internet didn't give a shit about people
enough to protect you.
And its not just because they are billionaires.
Which they are.
Why, they have even started to take over our collective
Exploration of Space, the entire Universe it seems is at their
full disposal.
Why do they own it all?
When it doesn't need to be this way
It isn't efficient Global Trade - all these vessels on the oceans,
moving raw materials where they are found to other places where
workers work cheaper to produce more - more what?
When it only benefits the few
And destroys collective untold resources
And, mostly,
only for the profit of few
Just exactly why is this,
So much divide that stands here
in the US?
Why is it so promoted
in an untrue way?
Why are true resources being wasted?
If you have a cell phone you obtain
a news feed, that's where you get your news,
and even if you are poor, your stuck
reading about the Kardashians
What did one of them wear in some
not so appealing way today---
click bait, You already knew
That is about all you expected
To see somehow
So you don't vote, or think about any economic
policy that might put people like you first
but not like you thought you were better,
but first, like everyone should be treated.
The same, and the best leaders who represent.
All, should try to be the best economic policy legislatures
understanding efficiencies and our limited resources
on this Earth, which are required for sustainability
Aw, what the heck, you might think,
they don't give a shit.

(8,920 posts)The United States has the highest standards of living at the middle and upper ends of the income distribution scale, yet for children at the lower end, their standards of living fall behind most other industrialized nations.
In fact, the US ranks last among 26 OECD countries. U.S. rates of poverty are substantially higher and more extreme than those found in the other 25 nations.
Our poverty rate as of 2020 is 39.8%. REPEAT....almost 40% of Americans are living in poverty with 21% being children.
The Laissez-faire Capitalism since 1980 has driven us lower and lower.
Regardless of the reasons...that is disgusting and so wrong.