Next-Generation Power: A Union Blueprint for Clean Energy Jobs

Members of Kennewick, Wash., Local 112 performed nearly all the work during construction of the Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility. Credit: Local 112 member Kendel Castner
June 20, 2024
Renewable energy construction isn't new for members of Kennewick, Wash., Local 112. Its jurisdiction is east of the Cascade Mountains, away from major metro areas like Seattle and Portland, and runs through many smaller communities in eastern Washington and Oregon. The area is ideal for wind energy.
"We've been working on windmills forever," Business Manager Travis Swayze said with a laugh. "We were doing windmills 25 years ago."
A renewable energy facility it worked on last year is different, however. It is the only one of its kind in the United States, although it may not be that way for long.
The Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility near tiny Lexington, Ore. population about 240 is the country's first plant to have wind, solar and battery storage all at one facility.
It's advanced technology, but pro-worker wins at the state and federal level drove the construction of Wheatridge, making clear that the clean energy revolution is a boon for union jobs.
FULL story at link above.