Guitarist Tom Morello's donation to Omaha Kellogg's workers lifted their spirits

A guitar played by Tom Morello was auctioned off for $500, which he then donated to the striking Kellogg's workers in Omaha.
Kevin Cole Dec 21, 2021 Updated 50 sec ago
Proceeds from the sale of a guitar auctioned off by musician Tom Morello helped to feed and energize striking Kellogg's workers in Omaha.
Morello, best known for his tenure with the rock band Rage Against the Machine, joined forces with singer Jordan Benjamin, known professionally as grandson, to perform their single "Hold the Line" on the Nov. 15 edition of "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." Morello played the guitar and grandson sang in a tribute to union workers from Morello's album, "The Atlas Underground Fire."
Morello auctioned his guitar online for $500 and donated the money to the 450 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union in Omaha. Local union President Dan Osborn said Tuesday that the money was used to feed about 50 workers walking four picket lines at the plant Saturday night.
"It definitely added a little energy that we needed to keep going," Osborn said. "We showed the video that they made of 'Hold the Line' at all three of our membership meetings, and each time it got a standing ovation."
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