STOCK MARKET WATCH: Thursday, 29 August 2024
STOCK MARKET WATCH: Thursday, 29 August 2024
Previous SMW:
SMW for 28 August 2024

Dow Jones 41,091.42 -159.08 (0.39%)
S&P 500 5,592.18 -33.62 (0.60%)
Nasdaq 17,556.03 -198.79 (1.12%)

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Gold & Silver:
(Awaiting new links)

Quote for the Day:
Since the Vietnam War ended, there's been only one political issue in American that's evoked the same passion on both sides, and it's been the issue of a woman's right to choose an abortion. It seems crazy to me that there's any debate about this at all, but what's even worse is that it's become a political football for candidates to use as a way to score points with powerful right-wing groups like the Christian Coalition. Realizing that there wasn't any equivalent pro-choice group, Gloria Steinem organized Voters for Choice to support politicians who had the guts to stand up and say, "This is a civil rights issue; it's not our place to legislate morality."
Graham Nash and I were among the first male musicians to offer our support to Voters for Choice. No other men were touching it with a ten-foot pole; it was seen as a "chick thing." So rather than waiting to be asked, which is the way it usually works, we went to them and volunteered our services. They were stunned, but very grateful. And we kicked off an event that now happens every year at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.
David Crosby and David Bender. Stand and Be Counted: Making Music, Making History The Dramatic Story of the Artists and Events That Changed America. HarperSanFrancisco. © 2000.
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