STOCK MARKET WATCH: Wednesday, 29 November 2023
STOCK MARKET WATCH: Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Previous SMW:
SMW for 28 November 2023

AT THE CLOSING BELL ON 28 November 2023
Dow Jones 35,416.98 +83.51 (0.24%)
S&P 500 4,554.89 +4.46 (0.098%)
Nasdaq 14,281.76 +40.73 (0.29%)

Gold & Silver:


Quote for the Day:
In fact, when Hillary Clinton became the chair of the commission on health care, she was not being paid at all to do tons of work that most men would get paid tons to do. And furthermore, she was also accepting the role as fall gal for Bill if health care worked, he'd get credit; when it didn't work, she got blame participating in a psychodynamic where she plays unappealing policy wonk to his persuasive pol part, and she's not even getting paid for it. In fact, all the while she is working on health care she is also doing all the ceremonial afternoon-tea work that is First Lady as usual. As Ginger Rogers once said of her gig with Fred Astaire: she had to do everything he had to do only she had to do it backwards and in high heels.
Elizabeth Wurtzel. Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women. Anchor Books. © 1998.
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