Consumer Advice
Related: About this forumA very simple idea about "scam calls". Why do we get so many of them?
Just 2 words... THEY WORK.!!!
...If these kind of calls didn't work, then we would not get any. Scammers know that a large percent will not work. Chances are, those with a lot of experience, know the approximate percent. But if scams did not work some of the time, to get easy money, (even though it is against the law) then experienced people would try something else that gets people's money.
...Not only do these scams work, but the scammers know that if the number of successful people who get scammed are kept down, then very few scammers get caught. Scammers are greedy assholes, and they want..MORE, AND MORE, AND MORE. !!!!!
...So, many go on, and on, and on..and get caught. We read about them. So and so scammed 25,000 and got 4 to 5 million dollars. Those are the ones who get caught. The ones who get away, we do not read about. And some get away because the scams get some money from lots of people, and often people do not report that they have been scammed with some deal or idea that was too good to be true.
..So..IF it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true.

(159,684 posts)I have been told that the IRS was going to arrest me and that my social security number was cancelled several times
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I have read that the social security administration,..never calls and asks for information.. They always send a letter to your home address. Yes, the social security administration knows your home address, and yes, that organization sends letters.
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)important stuff in someone else's box a lot. Never misses w/the junk mail though. Even w/ the Informed Delivery app, stuff marked time sensitive or with return addresses from TPTB were "found" virtually undamaged 3 weeks after scanning...must have fallen through the cracks, yeah - right, more than just a few times - delivery gets better for a while, then back to postal trick or treat again!
(16,873 posts)Automatically. If you answer a call from a salesperson, their company should have to credit you.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)TlalocW
(15,632 posts)Which at least keeps them from scamming others for a while.
I have a fake cardstock credit card in my wallet from a magazine ad. I give them that number then when it doesn't work, I have a reference for when I say things like, "Oh, I switched two of the numbers," or, "That 0 is really a worn-down 8. My apologies." Normally it takes them 3 tries before they start cursing me out, but I kept one guy on the line for 30 minutes, and I ended it by saying, "Look. This has been fun and all, but I've been deliberately wasting your time, and I need to run an errand." I normally get cursed at, but one guy laughed and told me, "Good job!" and another genuinely sounded hurt that I would lie to him.
Best call was when the first guy handed me off to a "manager" because of problems with my account. I had already kept them on the line for five minutes.
Them: Hello, sir. I apologize for the inconvenience. Let's see if we can get things figured out. What is your last name?
Me: Not a problem. I hope you can help. My last name is Keyface.
Them: Yes sir, thank you, sir, Mr. Keyface. And what is the first name on the account?
Me: Don.
Them: Yes sir, thank you. So the name on the account is Don Keyface?
Me: Yes.
10 seconds of silence
Them: You motherfucking asshole.
Me: Figure it out, did you?
Lately, I haven't had time to play so when I answer, and they ask how I am, I say, "Fine. Listen, I was having sex with your mother for money last night (I say it in more graphic terms), and she said that she's disappointed in what you do for a living." I then play random notes on my harmonica until they hang up.
Immature, probably doesn't make a difference, but I get some schadenfreude out of it.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 13, 2019, 11:33 AM - Edit history (2)
works and keeps them on the line for a while.
(40,915 posts)When you have spare time to kill....
How to answer spam phone calls...
Keep asking: What is your name?
... until you get an answer.
What is your company/org name?
... until you get an answer.
What is your company/org address?
... until you get an answer.
What is your company/org phone number?
... until you get an answer.
What number can I get in contact with you?
... until you get an answer.
So what if they lie?
You're just going to hang up on them anyway.
Even better if you say 'sorry, not interested'.
Their time is also important to them.
(25,200 posts)My default ringtone is one second of silence, no vibration. My legit contacts have been assigned an audible ringtone, so I'm aware of it if one of them calls me.
Do I miss calls that I might want? Maybe at the time, but if it is a legit call (doctor's office, etc.) they always leave a message. No message, no callback, its that simple.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)The voice sounded very strange, but when I heard about "Texas" I just hung up.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Interesting article. One of the main points is that the number of social security scam calls, has greatly increased in the last year. If you have time, please read the entire article. Many good links to get more information on this topic.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Not just a little cheaper, but a whole lot cheaper..example. ---back in the 50s -(yes I go back that far) a long distance call might cost $1.25 for a 3 minute call..Let us transpose that to a number that take into account .."inflation"..OK?
So a 3 minute call in today's money might cost $1.25 x 6 or a total of $7.50 ..for a 3 minute call...OK?
..............remember a gallon of gas in the 50s was 25-30 cents a gallon.........................................
..............even multiplying by 6 is not enough.............................................................................
So, if a 3 minute call in today's money is $7.50...what is it today? (lots of plans, and the plans are different but..let's take a chance on an idea this idea: the most it would be...........30 cents for 3 minutes or.........10 cents a most
Most scam calls are not long distance but local. Yes, some are long distance. The scammers live everywhere and are willing to spend the time and money to call someone out of their area if they thin it will work. ..But the bottom line is calling people is much cheaper today than it was 60 years ago. MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, CHEAPER.. and that is another reason we get so many scam calls.